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RE: Silver Bloggers Community is on My List

in Silver Bloggers9 months ago (edited)

Oh my gosh 15 is so high, what a scare you must have had. I really appreciate you sharing this here. My AC1 levels have not been that high but I had a heart attack in late 2022, the doctors attributed it to Covid because it was caused by blood clots, but anyway I also have a heritage of heart disease from my father's side. And then when I did all the tests to find out if I have thrombophilia, the results were negative. The specialist did not rule out the covid effect but added that it would be because it was combined with my high blood glucose problem, at that time, I did not know I had it and I could have had a big rise in blood glucose and also hypertension.

I understand that it is not easy to get used to taking a medication and the side effects. I have suffered some although mild and I had to change my medication once because I developed an allergy after taking one for a year. But as we become aware that changing our eating habits and exercise can help us and we learn to control ourselves, the whole thing becomes more bearable. I'm a sweet tooth but I live without any craving for sweets and I think that is a great achievement. I like what I eat and I allow myself a treat from time to time but I try not to abuse it.

I hope you are feeling better and better everyday and thank you very much for sharing your case. It touches me very closely.

A hug and thanks for being part of Silver Bloggers.


Thank you...I almost revealed it back to you than but I wasn't ready at that time, hehe. You had a real serious threat. I'm glad your here today and I have someone that can relate to my condition.

I watch my levels closely and have gotten use to poking me finger to check it. I have to watch my weight because my doctor will take me off the medication if I lose too much weight. I don't want to inject insulin on a daily basis. This medication is just one shot a week. Plus it's pretty affordable with my insurance, $40 for a month supply. Insulin is expensive and I hope I don't have to find out how much that would cost.

It's great to be here in this community and I hope I can post more frequently here. Thank you for your detailed and caring message. Have a great day ahead 😊

I can also understand that you were not ready to tell. At first, I had my phase of stupor and denial, and I would ask myself questions like, how is it possible if I have never been overweight, or I don't eat so badly that I am diabetic and things like that. But once we assume the condition, I think we take the first step to fight the battle.

I lost weight with the first medication I took, dapagliflozin. I am a lot thinner but at some point, I have stayed at the same weight.

I hope neither of us gets to the point of needing insulin. And you know we're here for you. We'll keep in touch here.

Happy afternoon!

At first, I had my phase of stupor and denial, and I would ask myself questions like, how is it possible if I have never been overweight, or I don't eat so badly that I am diabetic and things like that.

Me too just a a little over a year prior to my diagnosis I was running 5-6 miles a day and on much of a healthy lifestyle. I got away from it and put on a few pounds but nothing that required me to buy a new wardrobe. Now my mother's side has three generations of diabetes so I'm content with it being in my genetics.

Oh yes no insulin, I hate needles.