In this world of crypto and modern technology we often talk about something being "disruptive" in a game changing way.
But what does it really mean?
Most of the changes in human history have been gradual and incremental, not sudden. The "game changing" aspects are sometimes not recognized for years, or even decades.
Of course, some... like the Internet itself were recognized as game changing from the start, even if actual adoption was slow.
I've been contemplating whether disruptive ideas or events or technologies are inevitable or necessary, rather than unexpected thunderclaps from a blue sky...
I expect the former, more likely...
Which brings me to this idea of disruptive ideas and events at the individual level.
Sometimes something comes along to so radically change the way we see or do something that you could easily argue that you experienced a disruptive thing.
And I am not necessarily talking about anything that's society wide, it could be disruptive just to YOU. Your paradigm changes completely... and there's no going back to what you previously held to be true.
I have to admit that Hive has been "disruptive" in my life... not so much because it revolves around crypto, but because it broke my belief that content sites that compensate creators for their work were invariably doomed to failure within a couple of years... after all because online content "has no real value," or so I had convinced myself.
I'm not sure whether such disruptive events are necessarily positive in nature... maybe they are just necessary. They show up as reminders that shake us out of some state we have grown attached to... even if not in a good way.
I know I have had beliefs I have adhered to, even though they needed changing! But I wasn't about to change anything... because I had a nice safe routine going. It happens... a lot.
I tend to be rather a skeptic... and a late adopter of new ideas, rather than an early one. For years, I would joke that by the time I woke up to something being amazing and cool it was over the hill and ready for imminent demise!
Meaning... that I am not easily disrupted!
But I guess someone has to be on the "trailing edge" of trends, as well!
As such, I'm glad to be part of the Cryptosphere at a time when it is still emerging, rather than into its invariable decline. After more than a decade of being in this gig, I'm actually convinced it's not just a passing fad.
And I can honestly say that how I perceive "money" has been disrupted! Which is saying something...
This post didn't exactly end up where I had expected, but sometimes that's just how writing goes...
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
Greetings bloggers and social content creators! This article was created via PeakD, a blogging application that's part of the Hive Social Content Experience. If you're a blogger, writer, poet, artist, vlogger, musician or other creative content wizard, come join us! Hive is a little "different" because it's not run by a "company;" it operates via the consensus of its users and your content can't be banned, censored, taken down or demonetized. And that COUNTS for something, in these uncertain times! So if you're ready for the next generation of social content where YOU retain ownership and control, come by and learn about Hive and make an account!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT posted anywhere else!)
Created at 2024-01-17 02:05 PST