When The Poor are oppressed by the Rich, it is Sad. Memoir Monday #46 (1/20-1/26) - What Makes You Sad?

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

Hi Memoirmonday Community.

Nowadays, we are seeing that the person who becomes rich and after getting money becomes proud in him and then he oppresses the poor people. The driver of the car is wronging the motorcyclist if the motorcyclist hits his bike by mistake, then he gets down and slaps him on the face, but he is a poor person, he is rich. Can't say anything to may because we here but I have seen in my country and in Asian countries,

Whoever has money, there is a law for him, and there the person is buying the law with money, and he does not go to jail, and after giving money, he is free. is living, so long as such law continues in any country, then that country will never be able to develop, so our country has not been able to develop until now.

Here we have seen with our own eyes that if a poor person steals, then he is punished, he is put in jail, and if someone is rich and does not pay taxes to the government, because he when he is working in the government, he is not called anything, so here, if a poor person steals, he does it because he has to eat bread and he is punished, and a rich person.

He who keeps on doing what he wants is not punished, but here we are surprised People who are poor at first, later, if they get rich, they have some money, then their attitude changes. does not succeed and becomes poor again because that person remains rich continuously whose attitude towards the poor people does not change.

And here the most good person is the one who starts helping the poor people more because we have seen that this world as it is will end one day if you go, you will find peace only in helping other people. Children are not educated here in our country because poor people live here and they cannot afford their education, so they make their children learn work at a young age.

There are masters, they beat them and do many injustices, but if someone who is the son of a rich man goes to learn some work and take some skill and the teacher knows what his parents are. If there are people who have money, that is the teacher he does not kill and continues to kill the child of the poor, so we are seeing this abuse happening with our own eyes and we also try to do something there,

So it is said that who are we to say something to him. Then there is a lot of fighting in this way, but still those parents are forced, the children are also beaten, but still they are working there. After seeing these things, I become much sadder, depressed and forced to think that the poor man has no life, no one respects him,

The rich man is always respected and We see that there are rich people among relatives who are respected and poor relatives are not even invited, so until we change this system, our country cannot develop. Now the place we visited was a small business and it has been started for some time and like before I keep showing similar places to all of you and here is an attempt to do so.

Should go to the place of and support those who start the business because in the beginning the business does not work, the effort is quite high and when the customers are made and if the quality is good, Then the business slowly starts to become famous. If it is done, let us do it Went to visit the place. It has been built as a fast food cafe and for a long time we have seen that these boys are working hard and the manager here is the owner of this place. The beginning of the business. He had bought everything in red color and here his theme was combination, so things were much more beautiful,

But here he bought everything new because new had started a business and he was trying to make it day and night. Make this business successful by working hard. All the working boys here were working very hard and the owner was also very good to them and he had good manners with them, so this kind of owner is easy.

Does not meet with and then here We ordered Zinger because the person who told us about this place said that their Zinger is very tasty so we ordered it and then here. But as we were exploring the place, their terrace area was much more beautifully decorated. The rent for this small place was quite high because it was built in a prime location and the famous places where businesses run and people like, the rents are also high.

The rent of this place here was thousand per month, so if we convert them into dollars, it will be about 80 dollars. Here we were seeing that they had put up beautiful pictures on the walls and they had good quality and we visited their kitchen but there was no fire to make pictures so everything was clean. And the meat was of good quality and they had ordered the best of every item. When we were visiting other places, we saw that paintings were made in many places,

But here they made panaflex, so they were also giving us a good wipe and the place was made beautiful. As soon as their business starts running, they will do more decoration so that people can come and see and enjoy this place and also enjoy their quality food. I hope you will like this place. Very special there are and the effort is to reply to each and every comment.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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Social discrimination exists in all regions of the world and yes, the worst thing is that many people, after being poor and having some money, forget that they were poor and treat badly those who are below them. Very sad. Greetings

Yeah you are right.