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RE: Special Moments become Treasured Memories - Memoir Monday #45

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

Wow Mom was short when you see her next to the stove and cupboard, dynamite comes in small packages more often than not!

Barnyard Theatre was a treat, we went through a few times with work associates or family and friends, music usual superb!

Mom on the step ladder reminds me of myself, had no patience for the small, much like my own Mom loved to paint walls, also enjoyed wall paper in the 1960s.

DIY from the beginning straight after my second son was born went into the flatlet to paint. Mother-in-law looked after the little ones while I prepped the nails with pink special paint to stop/slow down rust at the coast before getting stuck in (still good, believe it or not). Perhaps that is why I so enjoy Vusi we able to work together.

Lovely memories sad/happy with outings, thinking about the early years, we were the lucky ones when parents spent time teaching us.