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RE: Waste Not Want not, do you Olio?

in Silver Bloggers5 months ago

That's a nice system Ed, I don't think we have anything like that here. Shocking about the stats!
I hate to see food go to waste. My Mom worked at Woolworths many years ago, staff could buy the food that would expire the following day. My favourite was their smoked salmon pate and cakes.
Nowadays most of our food stores have a shelf for food about to expire, at a fraction of the original price.
I'm shocked at how much food some of our guests waste; we freeze it and put it out on bin day in a separate packet, same with our leftovers. I enjoy leftovers for lunch the next day, but by the 3rd day, it's stored in yogurt or margarine tubs. I was shocked the first time I learnt that the bin scratchers actually take that food! , Another place where tons of food is wasted is at the airport, they're not allowed to donate it! Awful, when one thinks how many people go to bed hungry at night!
I look forward to seeing that site you're putting together Ed, that's a great project!