My Dad Had No Car. #memoirmonday

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

One of these days I will get my car and I will come back to respond to @ericvancewalton on the #memoirmonday question which asked:

What was your first car?


Dear friend, @ericvancewalton, in my family, we haven't gotten a car yet. My father didn't have a car. He only had a Suzuki Motorcycle.

I grew up seeing my father with his old Suzuki Motorcycle. The motorcycle was my father's mobility back in the days. He used the motorcycle to his shop in the market everyday and on Sundays, he would pack my sister and I to the church with it.

My Dad's Suzuki Motorcycle was our pride then in the village. It was our object of boast. We would hang around the motorcycle whenever we were in an occasion with my dad's motorcycle. Of course, in those days not many parents could afford to get a motorcycle. The issue of cars did not mean so much. Those who had thrived and made some level of financial achievements were mainly seen with motorcycles.

My father’s motorcycle was so known to us such that we could recognize the sound of the motorcycle at a distance before reaching the house. Those days were not like these days. These days children are valued and allowed to play and enjoy themselves as they please. Thank God for educational enlightenment.

When I was younger, we could not play and have fun as I see my children play these days. Then, if you dare touch the Panasonic Black and white television at home, you will be in trouble if your daddy get to know about it. Even items like ceramic plates were valued more than children. We were living like slaves in our parents’ house.

Thank God for the blessedness of education that makes us (the new generation parents) to value of children and give them the liberty to enjoy themselves in our homes. Our children could play and watch our television at will. It wasn't so when I was a child.

So, then we could recognize the noise of our father’s motorcycle from a distance and quickly set things in the way that would please him. We will sit down and pretend as if we haven't played since we returned from school. What a terrible life to remember. So, my father's Suzuki Motorcycle is all I had when I was growing up in my parent's house.

Even though my Dad did not buy a car, I will soon buy one. I am working hard to acquire those things that are necessary for my family. A car is one of the necessities. I am grateful that I have a house of my own now. So, very soon God will bless me with a car.

I had a car for my usage at one of the places I was working. The car was a truck. We used to called such cars Hilux. When I was serving with the first missionary organization I was working with, the truck was attached to my office. It was under my car. I loved the truck. Since then it has been my desire that when I will buy my car, it will be a truck (possibly the Toyota Hilux)