At the end of my first week, after deciding to enter the Hive portal, I thought I would write a bit of a diary post.

Source: Based on image on home page of Portal
Many of us are likely acquainted with people who swear by the importance of keeping diaries. I am not one of those people. But I will write a post here and there about my experience in making what for me was an important decision.
A good decision? Well, honestly I do not know yet.
But this first week has certainly been an interesting experience and some progress has been made. So, it seems like a good idea to get some thoughts down, while they are still fresh.
- With a nod, in my title, to one of the greatest books, in my opinion, ever written. Which is what? "The Pilgrim's Progress" - written by John Bunyan in 1678.

Checking Boxes
In my comment here, to @galenkp's thought provoking post titled "Disciplined," I touched on my approach to this vital topic for having at least some success in life.
Simply and succinctly stated, once the all-important priorities are properly set, it can be called "checking boxes," in working through your list of what needs to be done.
Key word? Done!
Yes, thinking about what we are doing is important. Not followed up with action? Especially when it involves successfully overcoming the almost inevitable challenges we face in "checking boxes?"
Whether we consciously face it squarely or not, we all make decisions on this topic every day. And deal with the consequences, either way.

Source: Based on @newbies-guide post on "3 things Newbies should do in their first week on Hive"
In my introduction, I referred to this illustration, as I thought it was very helpful. Now, after my 1st week, I can update it.
While most of these are straightforward enough to let pass without comment, with 71% indicating engaging with others is of primary importance, how did I do on that KPI?

Source: HiveBuzz
66 comments. 1 post per day. Engaging enough? Writing ... "quality content?" As I stated in my introduction, I will leave that to others. What I am very clear about is that it does not matter what I think.
I will at least say I have "checked boxes" on what remained to be done, as I said I would.
Repeat, with enthusiasm?
Whee! Roller Coaster Ride
While mindful of what I thought I might experience, in deciding to go ahead with starting to write on the Hive blockchain, most would probably agree we cannot truly and fully know about what we have not yet experienced.
With the vast experience base now of one whole week, how is it going so far?
What a ride!

Source: Image on Get Drawings
This is probably an understatement and I am only just coming to the end of my first week!?
Without going into it much, in no particular order, here are my top 3 highlights, in getting started:
- Down. Having at least some idea, in starting out, what it will mean to have very few even see what I write, I was still surprised in not getting a single comment on my introductory post for two days.
I made the obviously wrong assumption that, at least under the #introduceyourself tag, there would be more established accounts welcoming newbies onboard. 🤷♂️ - Up. After 2 days, @fionasfavourite's comment on my introductory post was very encouraging - both for its personal touch, as well as support in helping with a key concern of mine. Encouragement which I made sure of letting her know what it meant to me.
- True story: When it comes to the vitally important, at least to me, topic of encouragement, after my introductory post, I wrote my 2nd post on - "Encouragement: What is it Worth?" I do not currently see any indication anyone read it.
- Not sure yet. How I got an encouraging amount of upvotes on 2 posts and not much on the others was expected. That there were so few comments though? 🤷♂️ It appears I was fortunate, for unknown reasons, that someone decided to upvote these 2 posts and then others were following that upvote?

Are we having fun yet?
If one particular bit of advice stood out over and over, in reading through content on the @newbies-guide account, it was simply to have fun.
On a sliding scale, from this ...

Source: Creator joextremo on Pixabay
- While not even close to those self described as "creatives," I can at least admire the work of those who do have that gift. I was thankful to find this particular image. For my sense of humor, perfect! Hahaha ...
... to this, ...
- For this Silver Blogger, it is hard to beat the magical innocence of children at play, as a pure symbol of having a truly good time.

Source: Image on Vecteezy
... how is that going, so far? Hahaha ... I can certainly say I am at least having fun finding good images with which to illustrate my posts!
Seriously, very little is more important to me than peace of mind. Having some idea of the potential attack vectors to it, in advance of choosing to start writing, actively processing that now is a work-in-progress.
I may have more to say on this topic, in the future.

And with that ...

Source: Based on the image of creator ArtSpark on Pixabay
QT is up, up, and away into a new week of exploring the Hive blockchain. And now making some contributions of my own, along the way.
While helpful to me, in my reflections on life, to be able to look back on this post as something of a mile marker, maybe it will serve to provide a little encouragement or food for thought, to someone. Somewhere.
At least, that is my hope.
Best wishes, until we meet again,

Source: Courtesy of @mondoshawan
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