The Week That Was (part 5)

It’s been yet another rollercoaster of a week, but this time it’s been more positive than negative and it’s my hope that some of the things I’ve set up this week come to fruition.
On Monday, my blood sugar shot up to a new record high of 23.2 mmoL. In a heathy (non diabetic) person it should float between 4 and 6 mmoL (fasting and post eating respectfully).

It’s been above 10 mmoL all week. It’s not dangerous at this point, but I need to do more to get it under control. This means drinking more water and going for longer walks and lifting heavier weights. Not to mention being a lot more careful with my diet.
It’s not a good sign, however diabetes hasn’t spread to my eyes or my limbs yet so for that I am still grateful.
On Wednesday I had a Housing Trust inspection.
It went well, for the most part, but I had to explain to the Housing Manager why the taps needed to be replaced and the toilet fixed. I’d called maintenance on the 16th of May.
Afterwards I went to an Afghan restaurant and had their lamb skewer plate. it was really good.

On Thursday, I had a job interview for a job working in a very small hotel in the city. It was very quick because she was busy, less than 5 minutes but I got to answer and ask a few questions.
I’ll find out early next week if I am successful. I had everything she was looking for apparently.
Afterwards I went into a nearby hamburger place called Burgastronomy and had their lunchtime special.
I selected their aptly named Signature Burger from their extensive menu options.
The pickle slices were cooked, removing the most of their inate bitterness, and they were absolutely massive.

The order also came with a drink of choice and a bucket of chips, which was definitely more than enough to fill me up.

Then I went into the main part of the city and recorded a 3Speak video. You can see it on my page, just scroll down.
I also picked up a few graphic novels. One of which is pretty good so far. It’s called The Last Ronin and it’s a futuristic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story in three volumes. I got the first volume, the second volume is available and the third volume is coming out soon.

I won’t spoil the plot, but the mystery is trying to figure out which Ninja Turtle is the on the front cover. I have my suspicions… I’ll review it soon.
On Friday, the plumber turned up. It had been 40 days since I called Housting Trust maintenance. Something to with contractors being incompetent.
The plumber replaced the cistern, the toilet seat and the laundry taps. Awesome stuff.
On Saturday morning I noticcd something wrong with tap that controls the flow of water to the toilet, as in it seemed to be out of alignment.
As I touch the tap to check, I feel a drop of water.
I checked the time and put a bucket under the tap to see how much water I was losing and at what rate by the time I got home from work.
I had a shift at the Adelaide Oval, selling tickets to the Adeaide Crows vs Giants AFL (Australian Football League).

I came home and checked the bucket for water. It was dry!
But I wasn’t going to take any chances. I left the bucket there overnight and checked it again on Sunday morning.
There was water in the bucket! So this means that I need to ring the plumbing company on Monday and see what they say. It could be another few days before they come out again and they are unlikely to fix it for free even though they are at fault. This means ringing the Housing Trust maintenance again… sigh.
On Sunday afternoon I had lunch at the Pho Linh Vietnamese Restaurant
For the entree I had their Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup, which I have mentioned here numerous times.

It was hot so I had to blow on it.

Their Deep Fried Dim Sims are amazing and come with a sweet chilli dipping sauce. They are made with pork and cabbage and other ingredients.

For the main course I ordered their Pork Chop Rice plate. It’s a simple to prepare dish, but quite nice.

Now I am writing this and preparing for work tomorrow.
Next week is going to be a wild ride.
Thank you for reading.
Until next time, insist on dignity and respect in every aspect of your life.

All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always supplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original material.