Hello Hivians and Happy Sunday
This weekend has summed up the summer as far as I am concerned... blue skies white clouds grey clouds rain and wind.
Combine any 2 then a couple of hours later shuffle the cards again, reset the weather and away you go!
Luckily enough this morning we managed to get out for the walk to Raith Lake that I wanted yesterday until the weather had a wee spat!
Today then is a wee post to celebrate #beautifulsunday from @ace108 and also @c0ff33a for the #sublimesunday tag.
Satisfied Sunday
Yesterday was my birthday and for one reason or another we did not get out to do the walk to Raith Lake that I wanted to.
We did however do that this morning, leaving the house at 9.17am and returning home at 12.33pm. A good walk and early enough that we missed alot of the people as on the return leg there were people and pups everywhere!
It was a good walk, although the tossers owners of the lake (it is not big) have lowered the water level. meaning less fish, more overgrown areas and there otters have gone as have one of the two swan families.
But enough of that, if you want to see me a bit batty then check out the Wednesday Walk post when it comes out.
When we got home, on went the kettle for a cuppa and another round of my birthday cake.
As there is only the two of us, we could not be bothered getting a cake, instead we got these mini brownies... The brownies I have had before and are moist and tasty.
The blondies, well that was new!
White chocolate I am rather partial to....
So let's give them a try says Mrs T, who although not a chocolate fan is nevertheless and American and loves her brownies and chocolate chip cookies.
So get them we did...
... and devour them I did!
Actually yesterday she put a candle in each of them. Very cute indeed.
Satisfied Sunday contained a lazy fun satisfied afternoon. It was fun just sitting down doing absolutely nothing!
Dinner, well we had a Chinese takeaway last night so just for @asiaymalay I knocked up pancit with lumpia.
I have been doing alot of online work on various devices this week. I have been audio recording loads of sports related speech clips so AI learns more and more accents.
Not too mention been working on a website of mine.
So that is perhaps why even though I had a day away from recording I am nevertheless keeping up this wee streak of daily posting I have go going on at the moment!
Let's see how long that continues....
So ... back to the title ... and question...
Which do you prefer ...
Blondie or Brownie?
I wish that you all have a brilliant week ahead, and until we meet again enjoy your Sunday 🎶🎵🎶
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated..
@tengolotodo August 18th 2024 (Aug 13 Premium 4 VR)
Posted Using InLeo Alpha