Source: Family Álbum
Source: vimeo-free-videos
Source: vimeo-free-videos
Hola, estimado amigo, es una gracia de Dios poder vivir rodeado de Naturaleza. Deseo compartir con usted una canción que habla justamente del pájaro choguí. Creo que puede ser de su agrado.
Hello, dear friend, it is a grace from God to be able to live surrounded by Nature. I want to share with you a song that talks about the chogi bird. I think you might like it.
How are you dear friend @sayury good day
It is a blessing to live in a place with a lot of nature, there are certain things to see that are beautiful
It has been a long time since I heard this song, when I was little my parents listened to it at home
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
Have a beautiful day
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