The song of the chalchalero woke up the parakeet (Feathered Friends) [Esp/Eng].

Hola seguidores de esta hermosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  Que alegría sentí cuando vi la consigna de esta semana de este maravilloso ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  la señora @nelinoeva tuvo una idea genial al decidir que sea una semana donde se puede participar con cualquier fotografías de aves, es una manera mucho más sencilla de poder cumplir con la consigna semanal

Source: Family Álbum

Hello followers of this beautiful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨:  What joy I felt when I saw this week's prompt from this wonderful ¨Show Me A Photo Contest¨:  Mrs. @nelinoeva had a great idea when she decided that it would be a week where you could participate with any bird photos, it is a much simpler way to be able to fulfill the weekly prompt

Una vez que supimos de que trataba la consigna mi abuelo tuvo la idea de ir a caminar y llevar la cámara para hacer fotografías de aves en el predio, al ser un tema libre no habría ningún inconveniente en poder cumplir con el desafío; como saben a mi abuelo le encanta caminar, además lo tiene que hacer por una ¨indicación¨¨medica¨ por eso me pareció una genial idea acompañarlo en su caminata

Source: Family Album

Once we knew what the challenge was about, my grandfather had the idea of going for a walk and taking the camera to take pictures of birds on the property. Since it was a free topic, there would be no problem in being able to meet the challenge; As you know, my grandfather loves to walk, and he has to do it for a medical reason, so I thought it was a great idea to accompany him on his walk

La semana pasada cuando fuimos a buscar aves ¨posada¨ en los ¨cables¨ vimos en el predio a un ¨zorzal¨pecho¨ colorado¨:  esta semana en un sendero diferente de la reserva dimos con un ¨zorzal¨chalchalero¨:  un ave de la misma especie pero con la combinación de colores de su plumas muy diferentes

Source: Family Álbum

Last week when we went to look for birds "perched" in the "cables" we saw a ¨red-breasted thrush¨:  this week on a different trail in the reserve we found a ¨chalchalinus thrush¨:  a bird of the same species but with very different color combinations of its feathers

Al ¨zorzal¨:  le gusta estar en el suelo, y cuando se ve que lo han descubierto le encanta dar saltitos y correr para esconderse entre las hierbas, o en el peor de los casos levanta vuelo. Ver a este tipo de aves es muy entretenido, además, da gusto oír sus cantos ya que tiene la habilidad de poder trinar los cantos de otras especies. No Es genial.

Source: Family Álbum

The ¨thrush¨:  likes to be on the ground, and when it sees that it has been discovered, it loves to jump and run to hide in the grass, or in the worst case it takes flight. Seeing this type of bird is very entertaining, and it is also a pleasure to hear its songs since it has the ability to warble the songs of other species. It's not great.

El canto del ¨zorzal¨ era tan fuerte que despertó a la ¨cotorra¨ argentina¨:  de su siesta, por eso solo pudimos hacer dos fotografías mientras estaba durmiendo posada en lo alto de las ramas de un gran árbol. Esta ha sido de esas geniales caminatas, vimos hermosas especies de aves disfrutando de la tranquilidad del predio

Source: Family Álbum

The song of the ¨thrush¨ was so loud that it woke the ¨Argentine¨ parrot¨:  from its nap, so we were only able to take two photographs while it was sleeping perched high in the branches of a large tree. This has been one of those great walks, we saw beautiful species of birds enjoying the tranquility of the property


Source: Family Álbum


Poder captar las aves quietas lleva mucha paciencia, son hermosas fotografías las que traes hoy! Muchas gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

mi abuela tiene mucha paciencia cuando hace las fotografías, por eso puede fotografiar a las aves
Muchas gracias @avdesing

Genia total, mandale un abrazo!

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency

Hello @ahmedhayat
Thank you very much for the support you give me for my post

Interesting and beautiful pictures dear 👍

Thank you so much lady @mysteriousroad

Thank you very much @hivecurators

It is great how you learn about the birds. You can read about them but it cannot be compared with the actual watching and observing their behavior
Thank you for your lovely post.

Being close to nature and watching birds as they behave is a learning experience that I really enjoy
Thank you very much, lady @nelinoeva

It has been beautiful to see another type of thrush in the reserve, they are beautiful birds, although I must say that the parakeets are really beautiful.

I also like the thrush, but I think like you, the parakeets are very beautiful.

Ever alert one gets to see the world come to life with birds no matter how far or close you stay to home they are constant companions.

Lovely birds once again this week, love your parrots with thrush on the ground waking him up.


Hello lady @joanstewart good day
I love birds, I really enjoy watching them and learning from them, yes, they are great company
Thank you very much

Have a lovely weekend, sure to explore more 😇


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@joanstewart(2/10) tipped @miprimerconcurso

Thank you very much @colmena-106444

Funny thing, I have Argentinian parrots in the wild where I live, somehow someone let enough loose and they have established a colony at a power plant.

A few months ago there was an invasion of these birds in my city, which does not surprise me that they are developing in other cities around the world
Thank you very much @sketch.and.jam