Retomando las visitas a casa de mi amiga! 😘🤩

in Family & Friends9 months ago


Hola queridos amigos espero se encuentren bien y que hayan tenido un Feliz fin de semana. Yo ahora es que estoy recuperándome de mi cesárea y es que estoy saliendo muy poco pero si salgo ya que luego de mi cesárea no me vi bien (tema que dentro de poco les contaré). Bueno esta ves quería salir de casa con mi niña y mi esposo ya que queriamos distraernos y mi amiga nos invito a su casa a y a pasar un rato diferente, tomamos café y hablamos de todo aquello que no habíamos podido hablar por el tiempo que ya teníamos encerrados, también invento de hacer unas papas mixtas y comimos por cierto estaban buenas ! Yo de verdad extrañaba micho salir a casa de mi amiga, parece mentira pero cuano uno se acostumbra a alguien conchale después que pasas tiempo que no compartes con esa persona pega! Yo durante el embarazo me la pasé alli en su casa , siempre vivía allí metido y este mes que no podía salir me pego bastante, no se es que nos pegamos de personas y le tomamos tanto cariño que después es fuerte desacostumbrarte!... bueno queridos amigos estaba ansiosa ppr comparir con ustedes que ya puedo salir de mi casa,poco! Pero ya puedo salir.
Bueno queridos amigos espero se encuentren bien, gracias por tomar un minuto de su tiempo para leerme.

Las fotos son tomadas de mi teléfono y las imágenes de mi autoridad.
El traductor a usar fue el de Google!


Hello dear friends, I hope you are well and that you had a happy weekend. Now I'm recovering from my cesarean section and I'm going out very little, but I do go out because after my cesarean section I didn't look good (a topic I'll tell you about shortly). Well this time I wanted to leave the house with my daughter and my husband since we wanted to have fun and my friend invited us to her house to hang out and have a different time, we drank coffee and talked about everything that we had not been able to talk about because of the time. that we already had locked up, I also invented making some mixed potatoes and we ate them, by the way, they were good! I really missed going out to my friend's house, it seems incredible but when you get used to someone, it hurts after you spend time that you don't share with that person! During my pregnancy I spent it there at his house, I always lived there and this month when I couldn't go out it hit me a lot, I don't know that we are attached to people and we take so much affection for them that afterwards it is hard to get used to it!... well Dear friends, I was anxious to share with you that I can now leave my house, just a little bit! But I can go out now.
Well dear friends, I hope you are well, thank you for taking a minute of your time to read me.

The photos are taken from my phone and the images from my authority.
The translator to use was Google's!

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