More good then that's why we decided to go above this place. The place was far away but we had heard so much praise from cousin for its decoration that we had to visit it now, so in the evening we planned to go here as it was hot. So now evening is the best time to go around, so here we left our house and after 30 minutes we reached here,
We had a lot to see on the way because it was a weekday. And the holiday here was also on a weekday because the next month is special for us, so it was being prepared here and then we saw that on the way people were busy doing their own work and their lives. We should live in the same way,
So that we too can be successful by working hard in life and provide a good life to our families. The more inflation has become here, it has become necessary for every person to earn money here first. But a person used to earn money and feed the whole house, but now it is impossible to run the system of the house in this way.

It has only been open for a few days but when I spoke to the people here, they were very appreciative of all the guys working here who also handle their customers with great manners. And in the same way, if the business is to be successful, then the owner has to treat his employees well so that the customers can also be respected.
There were sofas, so it was good to see them here that they have kept good quality things inside their restaurant because every person wants to have a comfortable place to sit because they want to have a comfortable place to sit.
If you come with family, all these things were there and LCD was also installed here so that everyone can see what they like. When there are matches here, only the matches are shown on it. So most of the news is played here to increase the knowledge of people.

The map they made of this hotel was a similar hotel in other countries. They copied it. Now here you can see the beautiful fabric on their sofas. It looks like it is a newspaper but they have put it in a similar shape. This design was very popular today so they made it and then here we have it. You can see that they have made special designs on the roof too, so they have worked hard and whenever we humans work hard in our lives,
There must come a time when we get success. They had done a lot of hard work on this hotel and they were getting good response at that time if they do some publicity then their business will become more famous today. Gone is the era of social media, so business must be promoted on social media.
Here it can be seen on their walls that they have made a different design on each wall and on the front wall they have written the name of their shop so it was written in a beautiful way so that the beauty of the shop in addition, I really liked this place and the owner was very nice, he told us all about his business, how he started this business and how he grew it.

Most of the people who were here were getting takeout and getting their order prepared and then going home to enjoy with their family because there is one member of the family who has to go out.
They don't like to go and they want to be able to enjoy everything sitting at home and the second thing is that the way there are people in the house who are disabled, they should also be taken to the hotel here.
Ego is impossible, so it is better that we pack food for them from here and take them there and eat with them so that they also do not feel bad that we cannot go to another place from here and then you can see in this picture that all the people who were supposed to work here were told to wear clothes that made them look the best and they were taught this every day that the customers coming in.

When we came to the inner part, they had made a good decoration here. This room was made for birthdays. All the people who came here wanted to celebrate their children's birthdays, so they had their own. That one used to come here after studying and buy pizza and burgers from them and here they used to enjoy themselves.
The place was made beautiful so the pictures were very good and nowadays every person wants to have their pictures taken here. And so that they can update their pictures on their social media accounts, so we were seeing a similar scene happening here,
Then we also sat here and we also took some pictures here. And here, special designs were made on the walls, the look of the room here was more beautiful than the other place.

Who is djbravo?
Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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