Visitando a mi abue (ESP-ENG)

in Family & Friends10 months ago

This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to english by clicking HERE

¡Hola hivers!💜

Estoy feliz de estar de vuelta por esta amorosa comunidad. Esta vez vengo a contarles de que mi abuelo no se estaba “portando muy bien” (cita textual de mis tíos), así que le hice una visita para ver que tal se portaba. SPOILER: se portó genial jajaja.

Mi abuelo Tulio ya tiene 84 años y es algo inquieto, todo tiene que hacerlo y todo tiene que saberlo. A veces parece un abuelito ninja, pero he aprendido a llevarlo y muchas veces me hace caso cuando le digo las cosas. Así que fui con mi mamá a darle una vueltita y ver que tanto pasaba.

Fui con la excusa de mostrarle mi nuevo bolígrafo de grabado y hacer unas pruebas. Él mismo se encargó de buscarme cosas que grabar y poder practicar. También le lleve el regalo del día de las madres a mi tía: un recetario que diseñe yo misma para ella. Me encargué del diseño, impresión y armado. Creo que su cara al abrirlo dice si le gusto o no.

Sin planearlo, mi hermano y su novia llegaron y trajeron a Nala, la cachorrita de la manada. Mi prima, que tenía planeado salir, también se quedó. Así que aprovechamos para conversar. Nala se portó genial y era divertido verla intentando explorar toda la casa, la mantuvimos un rato agarrada porque estaban limpiando. Mi abuelo aprovechó de conversar y ponerse al día.

Justo cuando pensábamos irnos mi tía nos dijo que esperaramos y almorzabamos todos juntos, como antes. Antes de la pandemia acostumbrábamos a almorzar ahí de lunes a viernes porque era lo que me quedaba más cerca del trabajo, así que compartimos mucho más seguido. Después de la pandemia, ejercí un tiempo como bioanalista así que me resguardaba un poco y luego empecé a trabajar desde casa y no fue exactamente sencillo. Me encanto que sin querer, una simple visita nos permitió reunirnos a todos y compartir unidos. Estoy segura de que si nos ponemos a planearlo nos tomamos meses, pero todo se alineó para lograrlo.

Yo explicandole como debe sonreír y mi abue siendo mi abue. Tal vez sea la foto menos perfecta, pero la amé, literal somos los dos payaseando

El almuerzo estuvo divino. Mi tío preparó pimentones rellenos y estaban deliciosos. Hasta mi abuelo que normalmente le pone peros a la comida dijo que estaba bien. Bromearon mucho con él diciéndole que iría más a menudo para que todo le gustara. Como postre, mi tía tenía preparados profiteroles cubiertos de chocolate oscuro y chocolate blanco. También estaban divinos y era imposible pensar en comerse solo uno.

Estoy agradecida por poder compartir con mi familia y poder disfrutar de mi abuelo, porque aunque hablamos por llamada y videollamada casi que interdiario, el poder visitarlo, darle un beso y un abrazo, vale mucho para mí y sé que para él.

Gracias por leerme
Con cariño, G.


Hi hivers! 💜

I am happy to be back in this loving community. This time I'm here to tell you that my grandfather wasn't “behaving very well” (quote from my uncles), so I paid him a visit to see how he was behaving. SPOILER: he behaved great hahaha.

My grandfather Tulio is already 84 years old and he is a bit restless, he has to do everything and he has to know everything. Sometimes he seems like a little grandpa ninja, but I have learned to take him and many times he listens to me when I tell him things. So I went with my mom to give him a little walk and see what was going on.

I went with the excuse of showing him my new engraving pen and doing some tests. He took it upon himself to find me things to engrave and practice. I also took the Mother's Day gift to my aunt: a recipe book that I designed myself for her. I took care of the design, printing and assembly. I think her face when she opened it said whether she liked it or not.

Without planning it, my brother and his girlfriend arrived and brought Nala, the puppy of the pack. My cousin, who had planned to go out, also stayed. So we took the opportunity to chat. Nala was great and it was fun to watch her trying to explore the whole house, we held her for a while because they were cleaning up. My grandfather took the opportunity to chat and catch up.

Just when we were thinking of leaving, my aunt told us to wait and we all had lunch together, like before. Before the pandemic we used to have lunch there from Monday to Friday because it was closer to my work, so we shared much more often. After the pandemic, I practiced as a bioanalyst for a while so I sheltered a bit and then I started working from home and it wasn't exactly easy. I loved that unintentionally, a simple visit allowed us all to come together and share together. I'm sure if we set out to plan it it would take months, but everything lined up to make it happen.

Me explaining to her how she should smile and my grandma being my grandma. It may be the least perfect picture, but I loved it, literally the two of us clowning around

Lunch was divine. My uncle made stuffed bell peppers and they were delicious. Even my grandfather who normally puts buts on food said it was good. They joked with him a lot telling him he would go more often so he liked everything. For dessert, my aunt had dark chocolate and white chocolate covered profiteroles prepared. They were also divine and it was impossible to think of eating just one.

I am grateful to be able to share with my family and to be able to enjoy my grandfather, because even though we talk by phone and video call almost every day, being able to visit him, give him a kiss and a hug, is worth a lot to me and I know it is to him.

Thank you for reading me
With love, G.

Fotos: tomadas por mi desde mi redmi 10
Traducción: Deepl

Photos: taken by me from my redmi 10
Translation: Deepl