Family comparas day - Día de comparas en familia

in Family & Friends8 months ago

Family comparas day

Today I went with my mom and my sister to do some shopping, since in the capital of the state of Tachira is cheaper, we are going to buy a blanket for my sister, so we went first to the palace of the blumer.

Día de comparas en familia

en día de hoy fui junto con mi mama y mi hermana hacer algunas compras ,ya que en la capital del estado Táchira es mas económico, vamos a compras una cobija para mi hermana ,así que nos dirigimos primero hacia el palacio del blumer



since it is a building where they sell all kinds of fabrics and a great variety of prices that go from 1 dollar to 50 dollars a meter of fabric, the prices vary depending on the fabric, quality and quantity of fabric, there my sister got a blanket which she liked a lot, this fabric came out in 10 dollars.

ya que es un edificio donde venden todos tipos de telas y de una gran variedad de precios que rondan desde 1 dola hasta 50 dólares el metro tela ,los precios varian dependiendo la tela, calidad y cantidad de tela ,allí mi hermana consiguió una cobija la cual le gusto bastante



this fabric came out in 10 dollars since a meter had a value of 5 dollars, but my sister took 2 meters, then from there we went to the hairdresser's of an aunt since I had to cut my hair, taking advantage of my mom and my sister did their hair, when we got there I was the first one, my mother and my sister did my hair.

esta tela salió en 10 dólares ya que un metro tenia un valor de 5 dólares ,pero mi hermana llevo 2 metros , luego de alli salimos hacia la peluquelia de una tia ya que yo tenia que cortarme el cabello ,aprovechando mi mama y mi hermana se arreglaron el pelo



When we arrived I was the first one that my aunt attended first since my haircut was the simplest thing that my mom and my sister were going to do, after I finished with my sister and my mom we went out to eat since it was already lunch time and my sister wanted to eat Chinese food.

cuando llegamos yo fui el primero que mi tia atendió de primero ya que mi corte de pelo era lo mas sencillo que los arreglo que s iban hacer mi mama y mi hermana ,luego de que terminara con mi hermana y mi mama salimos a comer ya que ya era la hora del almuerzo y mi hermana quería comer comida china



We went to a Chinese restaurant which is located in the center of the city of San Cristobal, near the hairdresser my aunt, we took about 10 minutes to arrive, we entered and ordered our order, we spent a good place in family on behalf of my sister, my mom and myself.

fuimos hacia un restaurante chino el cual se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad de san Cristóbal ,cerca de la peluqueada mi tia ,nos tardamos aproximadamente unos 10 minutos en llegar ,entramos y ordenamos nuestro pedido ,pasamos un buen lugar en familia de parte de mi hermana ,mi mama y mi persona


