Meet my gurl Dinalba👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏽 | Hot dogs, fat cats, and a beautiful friendship!🌭🐱🤞🏽✨

in Family & Friends3 months ago

¡Hola amigues! ♡

Espero que estén muy bien. ✨

Hace un tiempo, al culminar el semestre, recibí una inesperada invitación de parte de una gran amiga, Dinalba, les quiero contar sobre ella y sobre nuestra amistad.

Hi besties! ♡

I hope you are doing well. ✨

Some time ago, at the end of the semester, I received an unexpected invitation from a great friend, Dinalba, I want to tell you about her and our friendship.


Dinalba es una hermosa muchacha de cabello ondulado a la que conocí hace un par de semestres atrás, hemos visto varias materias como Química juntas, ella va más avanzada en la carrera, así que no nos vemos en muchas materias, lamentablemente.

Vivimos en el mismo barrio, súper cerca, así que más allá de vernos en la universidad hemos coincidido por aquí también, pero, en este último semestre nos hicimos más cercanas y ha sido genial está cercanía.

Un día estaba tranquila a punto de hacer cena, cuando me llegó un mensaje de ella preguntándome si había comido, cosa que se me hizo rara, le dije que aún no pero que iba a eso, a lo que me responde que me va a brindar unos perros calientes y yo, molestisima, acepté😂.

Dinalba is a beautiful girl with wavy hair that I met a couple of semesters ago, we have seen several subjects like Chemistry together, but she is more advanced in her career, so we don't see each other in many subjects, unfortunately.

We live in the same neighborhood, very close, so beyond seeing each other at the university we have coincided around here too, but, in this last semester we became closer and it has been great this closeness.

One day I was calmly about to make dinner when I got a message from her asking me if I had eaten, which made me strange, I told her that I had not yet but that I was going to do it, to which she replied that she was going to give me some hot dogs and I, annoyed, accepted😂.



No hizo falta decirlo dos veces cuando ya estaba en su casa lista para irnos a comer esos perros.

Eran perritos sencillos, aunque me sorprendió que les pusieran pimentón, pues el pimentón es caro y por eso no es muy común, pero me gustó ese toque.

Nos comimos los perritos y luego me invitó a su casa para echar el chisme. Cuando entré a su casa me morí de amor al conocer a sus 3 gatos, eran muy grandes, gordos y adorables🥺.

It didn't need to be said twice when I was already at his house ready to go eat those hot dogs.

They were simple little hot dogs, although I was surprised that they put paprika on them, as paprika is expensive and that's why it's not very common, but i liked that touch.

We ate the hot dogs and then he invited me to his house to gossip. When I walked into her house I died of love meeting her 3 cats, they were very big, fat, and adorable🥺.



Después de estar un buen rato hablando sobre todo, la vida, nuestras relaciones, la universidad, expectativas y cosas de mujeres, noté que era algo tarde, así que tuve que despedirme y volver a mí casa.

La verdad esta salida fue una sorpresa para mí, no me esperaba que en algún momento ella me invitaría a algo solo porque quiere compartir conmigo, eso me llenó muchísimo el corazoncito, significa que algo estoy haciendo bien.

Dinalba es maravillosa, la admiro mucho y su personalidad es genial, disfruto mucho estando con ella y espero poder seguir compartiendo más momentos así🤞🏽.

¡Gracias por acompañarnos!💗

After a good while talking about everything, life, our relationships, college, expectations, and women stuff, I noticed it was a bit late, so I had to say goodbye and go back to my house.

The truth is that this outing was a surprise for me, I did not expect that at some point she would invite me to something just because she wanted to share with me, that filled my heart a lot, it means that I am doing something right.

Dinalba is wonderful, I admire her a lot and her personality is great, I really enjoy being with her and I hope to continue sharing more moments like this🤞🏽.

Thanks for joining us!💗


Thanks for coming here and reading me, I hope to see you in my next post! ♡

Gracias por llegar hasta aquí y leerme ¡espero verte en mi proximo post! ♡


  • Texto original de: @rosylisboa
  • Todos los derechos/Rosy Lisboa.
  • Banner y portada realizados por mi en Canva y Picsart.
  • Todas las fotos vistas en esta publicación son originales y propias.
  • Original text by: @rosylisboa
  • All rights reserved/Rosy Lisboa.
  • The banner and front page were made by me in Canva and Picsart.
  • All the photos seen in this publication are original and own.

There is one thing that I have always loved and that is having to share, and discuss with my friend over a nice meal. I did that on the 31st Dec 2024, and it felt great. I am sure you enjoyed your time with your friend.

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