Greetings, everyone!
For my close friends on this blockchain, they know that I don't break my writing streak for anything.
So, there was a particular Saturday while I was already asleep around 8:30 pm, my phone rang. I struggled to pick it up, and it was one of my friends.
"Kingsley, what's happening to you? I just checked your account and I saw that you didn't write. Hope you're not sick?" She hurriedly said all this as if her airtime was about to run out.
"Hahaha! I'm fine, dear. I had a hectic day, and my body was signaling that it needed rest," I replied.
We both talked, laughed, and immediately after we dropped the call, I turned off my phone and delved deeper into dreamland.
As an individual, the owner of the body, one should be able to know when the body reaches its breaking point and also how to provide it with all the necessary rest it needs.
Body burnout is a very normal thing for any individual making a living on this planet. As long as the person is engaging in one activity or another continuously, such a person is bound to experience a state whereby the body will no longer be ready to continue unless it's given proper care.
Mind you, this is not necessarily a severe sickness, and it shouldn't be alarming; it's just a normal occurrence for a living system.
For me, I understand my system very well, and I know when my strength is dwindling and needs extra support.
I was brought up in a rural area where farming was a necessity. When I say farming, I don't mean backyard pepper farming; I mean vast expanses of land where work was never-ending. Those days, we worked tirelessly to the extent that the body mastered it, and it didn't feel the pain anymore.
But do you know what? All those periods when the body felt unworried, it was busy accumulating fatigue, and in no time, it would manifest as sickness, weakening the body to its peak.
When my body is weak and the processes I apply
How do I know when my body is burnt out?
- When I start feeling deep laziness and weakness in my bones,
- when my brain is not ready to cooperate with anything,
- and mainly, when I begin to notice severe symptoms of a headache.
Many times, these feelings come in the evening after a very stressful day, and I will be too weak to cooperate with anything, like making food for myself or settling down to write. At this moment, I'll just gather strength to get up for food, take my bath, and if possible, swallow some pills, and then I'll throw my phone very far away from the bed and sleep off.
I'm not the type who wants to keep pushing with many pending tasks when I know that I'm losing it. I prefer to suspend everything and continue the next day. This is why most of the time, I'm not always reachable at late nights when some night workers here are awake and grinding.
Thanks for reading.
This is for day 5 in the #Aprilinleo.
Have a read here to get the full details.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha