Lets Have The Believe We Thrive And Not Hustle 🚶‍♀️💪.


What a beautiful new Month!🗓!

It has been a while friends and family, but always having us in mind. Wishing everyone a healthy, productive and successful month of March as we march forward and never backward.

One thing is for sure from the old ever saying, “No Food 🥘 for a Lazy man”. And this we all agree to since as adults we have come to experience several circumstances of how those who can not fend for themselves and has no one to take up such a responsibility for them faces so much hardship. Using food here means the most amongst the basic necessities of life which food 🥘 literally comes before others

The essence of being alive and living is to be happy with life , taking the days as they come with what ever challenges they bring because without happenings, difficulties, challenges and even troubles , life will never be on a full balance scales ⚖️, When we are faced with difficulties and problems of all kinds, we are forced to be in an emotion of fear 😨, anxiety 😥, doubts, disbelief, which are the reasons we most times don’t stand up for ourselves to challenge and look for alternatives and ways to overcome..

And to many who struggle to make ends meet, providing food for themselves, clothings, shelter, mortgage 💸, paying other kinds of bills 💵 and more believes that they are hustling. Hustle: A forceful movement, obtaining with force. As a noun, hustle is a busy, hurried scene , pushing along. A Dutch word for “Shake”. Why then is struggling to attain to ourselves a hustle?


I met with a friend for lunch in the course of work last week and when I asked her how life is with her she simple said “am hustling”. And I asked her again what is the pushing and hurried all about ? She started laughing 😆. Its very important for us to note 📝 that we are obligated to life itself for having sound health and our mindset. We as humans are created in a special ways whereby every individual is given the ability of energy,, wisdom, foresight, thinking 💭 faculty’, initiative to “Thrive “ and succeed in life.

Thrive: To grow vigorously and flourish with time , being fortunate or successful. Thus: This is what we do when we keep the energy of working hard believing that with time we will make a productive, prosperous and successful ending which is the essence of being alive . Any man who takes being alive and healthy for granted, without taken up challenges to work himself to greater future is only digging a life of poverty and wretchedness for the rainy ☔️ days that will come. This means that there are time for everything.

However, we should always have it in mind that we are obligated to take care of ourselves once we attain an adult age, taking challenges as they come and heading into higher levels which is the road to successfulness . We do not hustle when doing this but thriving for that better greater unseen tomorrow. Cheers 🥂.

Thank you friends for taking out your time reading . I will appreciate your comments on this publish. Sending love to everyone ❤️.

All photos are my original taken with my iPhone 6x plus.





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Thank you so much for the appreciation and support @wesphilbin @thoughtfulposts .

Its a pleasure being here and supporting this community in my own little way. Blessings and lots of love ❤️