Behind The Scene, University Life

in Hive Naijalast year

Apparently this is the only post not talking about love or valentine, so i decided to go for it.

Being a student was everything, hell if I had a wish I would probably wish to go back in time and be a student one more time, maybe to execute my plans earlier.

It's been 4 years now. I graduated from university, lost a lot of friends and made a few . I guess that's probably how everyone grows up, follows their dreams and distance themselves.

I started University 2014 and finished in 2019 and I bet those 5 years were the best cycle of my life. Am a student who loves reading, not a bookworm but a serious one, and back then I would read my ass out, probably not to fall behind. I started very badly in 100l but progress massively over the years,


Am not the brilliant type though and i wonder how those first class did it, there were like our second lecturer back then, am kinda like the moderate intelligent type,, am definitely not the churchy type as well non was i the outing type

Lets just say my university days were just Normal routine, hostel, lecture, mid night reading class and lecture again lolzz, i hardly go out, i hardly go clubbing, except maybe on saturdays when hubby takes me out for a keg of palm wine, and catfish pepper soup.

Am the kind of student that loves exams and reading ahead of it, going to the university taught me a different secret pattern of reading. It's not all about cramming the whole book and pouring it back to the lecturer on the answer sheet on the day of exam, one tends to forget and fail easily this way. It's all about reading to understand exactly what is written on the lecture note, sometimes i use my imagination and demonstrate exactly what is being taught in the book,

With this pattern of reading I tend to express myself in my own words and with any question being asked on the question sheet. This was one of the secrets why I came out with a great cgpa.

Friends, Well Speaking of friends I don't like making one and I don't like keeping any. I only had 3 people close to me throughout my university, Hubby, Adams my close pal, and my close partner in crime Bibo, the rest actually was history.


Am the kinda student that loves my space, hell if i could rent an apartment and stay there alone i would probably do it, but the cost was on the high side so i probably stayed in the hostel till i graduated,

Staying in the school hostel also taught me a lot of things, cooking was one of them. I never eat out hell where the money is?. When you see different girls cooking in different styles and patterns you'll be forced to learn one or two cooking techniques from them.

Staying in the hostel taught me how to cook excellent, top notch. My mother in law could not hold it when I garnished a meal for her during this festive season. She was like " I think you went to learn just how to cook so well in that university you finished from. 😀 Not witstanding, my Mother also contributed with me cooking perfectly well, just that the hostel made it diverse.

Well you'll also be forced to learn how to tolerate different categories of people, i mean if you stayed in the school hostel and you are not yet refined in life then it'll take a miracle to put your manners in sharp. I learnt tolerance, determination and so much more.

Later some people will say school is a scam. School is another world entirely on its own to bring the best outta you and make you view life in a different meaningful way if of course you are willing to put in the effort, get your head down and put on the zeal to learn.

Till we read again, Kudos!

Original content by the author.

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I went to the Uni in the US, stayed on campus and it was quite fun. Every night was something going on, and house parties over the weekend. It was up north, so we got a lot of snow and blizzards and such. Sometimes you didn't want to wake up and the Sun came out late in the day and went down pretty early. So you only had a few hours of sun everyday. But it was fun, friends got cars, and went to clubs and dinner out of campus and it was fun ridding with them. It was the US so it was very multi-culti, I had my Arab friends, my Japanese friends, my white friends and my latin friends. I was pretty welcome everywhere and was fun when we mix and stay over. A friend of mine move into having their own apartment and we stayed there every other day all night, downloading music, talking, watching stuff and playing dreamcast.
It was very fun, although living in different countries meant that it would be impossible to hang all together. I still hold to those relationships although just there here and there message. I recently flew to Turkey and met a friend from Estonia there. It was interesting talking to him about his kids and exwife and life in Estonia outside of college life.

Wow i guess you really enjoyed your school days. But with so much fun how did you guys manage to read books especially on exams ?

Well you spend half of the morning in classes and half of the evening doing homework. You still have half of the time to go to train, or take karate or golf classes or play videogames. There is also weekends and birthdays and weekend trips.

Ohhh thats a whole lot of time

School is not a scam o but many people choose to put it that way. School is fun and a place to groom you well, not only in academics but other aspects of life if you decide to be serious. I love your personality and I guess the life was a simple one then. I never stayed in the school hostel because of privacy. But being among diverse of students would teach you lots of things.

Yahh school is the best thing that can ever happened to any one. Am glad you enjoyed yours as well

Are you good at school? I know university can be stressful but also interesting as the environment sometimes vary from our experience in High School. At least in my hometown HS and College/Uni is very strikingly different.

Yahh hears college/uni over there is hell most dont border going .

Mine didnt give me headache at all

 last year (edited)

Really? Actually college is way more exciting than high school as you get to do trips, be more independent, access more resources. For example I had to go to the city center and meet with ex-alumni at their companies and learn from real office life as well as get explained how the business works.
I also gave many presentations and pitch different business models for business ideas. Outside of the academic part, my school had a beach and we had cookouts and foam parties and sailing competitions. Lots of interesting activities to have fun.
I remember going to the library basement when there was like a bar/coffee place and take naps on the couch while watching TechTV which was my favorite show about computer and technology products.
That said, I think most kids should save the money to college and take online classes on platforms like Coursera and or in Spanish there is one called Platzi.

Hmmm but i think if they take online classes they will miss out the real life experience of college and tend to make some awkward mistakes in life. I just think men there is no experience better than going to college

 last year (edited)

That's the point, a lot of time and money is wasted in college. Obsolete education, expensive at most, and the most expensive resource, time, won't be recovered.
You can get updated education, at a fraction of the cost at a fraction of the time. This will give you more competitiveness and reward you with a good paycheck to have all the social life you need. Is not like employees don't have social lives. You can still go to clubs and gyms and meet people like anyone else.
Is not like you didn't had friends in high school or can get new ones at church, cooking classes or any other activity people do in groups.

Hmmmm well that might be a good idea

 last year (edited)

Yes, we need better thinkers, doers and people that can move in the digital world. I would say the problem is the opposite, too many people are growing up without the tools of interaction and networking skills online.
I have personally met people that where open in real life, but complete incells online. They couldn't connect with a community. They were professional lurkers, not being able to construct a phrase on a discord or telegram channel. Completely terrified of being judge even if they were aware, they were just a nickname and an avatar.
I wouldn't have believe it if someone would have told me about it, but I was there and saw it.

University life brings out a lot of things in us, some either discover or rediscover themselves when they are in school.

Exactly glad to see we on the same point


Thanks naija