My hate for Three leave yam

in Hive Naija11 months ago (edited)

There are most foods I had hated from childhood but ended up loving them as I grow, my taste and the foods I love keep evolving, but one has chosen to remain constant 😩, my hate for Three leaf yam, known as ONA in Igbo.

This type of yam is bitter in taste, the texture and the taste is just not like the sweet yam we're used to.
This yam is also boiled, like the normal yam we boil in Nigeria. But this Ona dish is a traditional meal, it belongs to the Igbo tribe of Nigeria which is where I'm from.
The Yam is served with sauce made from palm oil, onions, pepper, and salt.

Funny enough this was my father's favorite when he was alive and he'd give us thousands of reasons why we should eat this yam, none of my siblings likes it too.

Why I hate it?

It is simply too bitter for my liking, many who love to eat it say it's not bitter so I don't know what to say...but I know it's bitter.

I hated the times when my mom leaves us with no option than to eat this yam, oh come see murmuring and muttering lol 😂. We never had options in that situation, we had to eat it or eat nothing, you dare not reject any food by a Nigerian mother just have two options: Eat or starve, but most times only one option, you MUST eat, you'll be literally forced, with a stick 😩.

"Something that's even good for your health is what you're rejecting, try me now and don't finish that food, see what I'd do to you," These were always my mother's words when trying to get us to force lol. Funny enough you have to finish all the portion you're given, nothing is wasted.

But since we grow and became teenagers my mom no longer forces us to eat this, but if it's the only thing she can provide we have to eat it or buy something else with our savings.

I'm even thankful that these days this yam is very scarce, I've not been seeing it and it's not part of the things growing in our farm. Last time my mom bought it she only got little for just herself because she knows we don't like it.

I hope the normal yam price reduces Jare 😀, I'm just craving for a good boiled yam and garden egg Moni to buy yam remain 😬😁.

I just learnt how to make the garden egg sauce online, I'll try it and see how it is, I know it'd be very delicious because of all the ingredients in it.


This is my participation for the hive Naija prompt.. You can also participate and share what your worse food is.

Thank you for your time here 🤗



I'm just like your Dad, I love this yam so much and I miss eating, the last time I get to eat it was over two years ago, over here I haven't seen it in the market.

Yes it's very scarce in the market. I don't enjoy eating it so I don't care lol. Each one with his different choice hehe

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I think many other tribes have this yam as part of their traditional food. It is called esuru in Yoruba language. I love the yam beyond anyone's imagination. Especially the yellow coloured one.