in Hive Naija9 months ago

They call me okukuseku, the god of beans.
This, already is a testament of my love for that food. Since I was a child, I liked the food. It's one that I derive pleasure and heightened satisfaction in eating. I would not lie, but I do not get why so many people say that they don't enjoy the meal. And always, i factor that down to two things. It is either the beans that they had was poorly cooked or they have very terrible taste. Yes, that.

Image is mine

I make the best beans in the whole world, too. The best that you could ever have. And trust me, I'm bragging. If you ever come across any one who has had a taste of my beans, they'll testify. If i cooked beans for your babe, I'm sorry bro, your relationship will go crashing. Beans - the one meal my sister ever accepts that I cook well. That girl has issues, she's just jealous that I'm an intercontinental chef and I try better than her, so she never appreciates me. But what do I expect? Lol.

Beans and plantain, beans and yam, beans and potato, beans and noodles/Spaghetti/macaroons, beans and pap/custard, beans and bread, beans and rice, does the list even end? These are the many different combinations it goes with.

You know what, I've had to live on this meal every morning for about three weeks straight. At the time, there was a reason why. And while every ome else at home grumbled, I devoured the meal. Not once did I complain. How could i ever do so?

Beans is healthy and can be garnished with vegetables and enough protein, but even without those, it still bangs.
I would make it a hundred different ways and not get bored, even.

How can I even speak about beans to captivate its true glory. Beans, the very food that brought down Zeus from Olympus throne with its captivating aroma. The true food of the garden of Eden!

Okay, I'm being too much, but I hope that it tells how I like the meal. Variety they say, is the spice of life and I would never want a world where I have to eat solely one kind of food. But because this is all vivid imagination, here's my choice.

Unto the next...Fruit.

I like virtually every fruit. There's no best one for me, but I consume bananas and Avocado the most. They both are nutrient packed and good for the skin, hair, muscle and health generally. They're tasty too.
With the option of just one, I'll stick with banana.

Finally, that one Drink.

Water. Water is a drink isn't it?
Otherwise, if it isn't part to be considered, I'd go with nutri-milk. Yogurts generally are fluids that I consume a lot. Very often. Shey nutri-milk fall for yogurt category?? I hope so, and i hope you understand. Nutri milk has a taste that you can not easily be bored of. It's very healthy and doesn't contain as much additive as considered damaging to some of the body cells.

One food, fruit and drink, I'll go with the above mentioned. There's not a chance that I might be tired of any one of them. They're all healthy and would provide me just the right nutrients to fare well.


Thanks for stopping by.


You really love beans… 😂

I do, very much😁.
Do you like beans, too?

Yeah. It’s my comfort food

Hahaha, Beans are very yummy, I enjoy eating beans too. I like it because it is a versatile dish.

Yes, it is bery versatile.
You have very good taste😀