Another day another pre-dawn grain run. It wasn't near as foggy yesterday morning so the drive in was pretty mellow. It was a drive where I found a car that wanted to go faster than me and lead the way down the bypass. It's nice to have a canary to go ahead on the highway ahead of me but at 5am there is rarely any cops out. There also was no homeless under the overpass, there was just the person by the dumpsters where they shoot heroine.
I had 4 1/2 barrels to load so I got the 4 barrels on the trailer then topped each off with the half barrel but ended up dumping it over the top of the barrels. The grain fills in the space between them nicely which keeps it from blowing away.
I really hate traffic so it is super nice to have the road empty around me. One of the biggest reasons I go so early for grain, plus I am going downtown where it is horrible to try and deal with a trailer during daytime.
I had seen while waiting at the school for the boys on Friday that my truck would hit 156156 on my grain run and I was correct, it turned as I was a mile from the farm on the way home. Then when I walked in the door it was 5:56am. Just fun seeing the numbers all match up.
It took me until after 9am to get the grain emptied which all went into the sheep pen. The farm is so muddy that getting the trailer backed into various areas is almost impossible. So I took the path of least resistance and gave it to them. The sheep were super happy to have the piles of grain and spent most of the day digging into it as it steamed and cooled.
The PDC was on again as the second day of the darts went on. It was a bit of a shocker that Luke lost but he is dealing with the effects of being a world champion. It's not easy to work with the pressure but he has won a number of titles recently.
The greenhouse is plugging along pretty well now that the temps are more Spring like. I am keeping the heat lamp on still to try and keep a good heat level inside.
The spinach are coming along the best of all the seeds and are a couple inches tall. They should likely produce an edible leaf the soonest given their size compared to the other seedlings.
The North Pole lettuce has sprouted first of the 3 types, which I kinda would have hoped given the name. The other two types are cold tolerant and are coming up just not as fast or well as the North Pole.
The afternoon and evening the all start hockey games were on. I didn't see until the last game was about to come on so we only saw the last one which was actually a good game for an allstar game, which most times are awful. This one they actually played hard and were trying unlike most allstar games where it is just a walk through.
The trees are shedding branches around the farm off and on and this one was as big as my arm that came down by the s=tool shed. It created a pretty good sized divot in the ground where the end hit before it shattered. There were pieces 15 feet away from the largest end which was rotten. I gathered them all up and hauled them to the fire pit to toss on the fire.
I spent time cleaning under the carport as I got the fire going. The cardboard has built up over the winter and needed to be cleaned out so I tossed a bunch in the pit to get rid of it. It makes for a nice sized fire and got the wood burning really well.
It started raining mid afternoon and kept up a constant drizzle foir most of the evening and into the night. By this morning there was about .3 inches of rain in the gauge.
I got the burgers on to grill while still having enough of the coals this time. It can be a bit of a play to have enough coals but not too much. I try to grill them a bit slower and not hyper fast so they are more evenly cooked.
I put music on for the evening after the nhl was done and we ended up in a 90s music video loop. The great one was when we hit Green Jelly and 3 little pigs. We ran through a slew of various videos which were all quite fun to sing along to.
Popped sorghum. We got a gallon jug of raw sorghum with the recent co-op order and @stryeyz threw some in a pan on the stove and popped it with ghee. It is a much smaller pop than corn but it is NOT corn and still super tasty.
We got out to soak which went rather late.
I was up late this morning thanks to the late night. Just watch Man Utd AMAZINGLY win a match 3-0 over West Ham. I missed the first part of the PDC but will catch the finals now. I am not sure what all I will be doing today as I am not in the best of moods right now. I know I have to work on the driveway and all the horrible ruts I have created driving the trailer around and I have more cleanup to do around the house.
2024 Y/E Hive Goals | Current | +/- Goal | +/Week | |
HP | 30,000 | 23,827 | + 75 | 16 |
HBD Savings | 4,030 | 2,454 | / | 3 |

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Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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