Hello Hive
I can remember vividly how we battled against the weather to grow some sorghum last year. Even though my family didn't later get much of it, as what we harvested turned out to be some gifted sorghum from our friends, we still find the grain very useful.
My breakfast most mornings has been from taking this local drink made of sorghum. And if we are lucky to get some bean cake alongside it, it makes a perfect meal for the morning. You cannot always have a diet made of sorghum alone, as it lacks the ability to provide for us our protein needs. Hence, getting some proteinous staple food to go with the vitamins and minerals-rich sorghum is a perfect combination.
Sometimes when I want to make this drink more delicious, I mix it with a variety of other staples. If you know how to make tom-brown, you will realize that sorghum is a major component of that drink too.
Mixing sorghum with some soybeans will give you the perfect combination of proteins and energy needed by our bodies. You can choose a variety of protein to go with your sorghum meal or drink. Do you also know that we can prepare sorghum flour and eat it as turning meals just like semovita?
Lately a good number of persons have learned how to prepare some of our healthy local meals from the blogs I post. It's as simple as processing your harvested grains into the different local dishes we eat around here. Getting to know these combinations is a good guide to help us eat right and benefit from adequate nutrients present in these meals.
For this, you simply soak the dried sorghum grains in water for 12-24 hours, take it to the mill for blending.
Then we sieve it with a very smooth mesh.
This is then allowed to settle down, and we separate the excess water and then store it for whenever we want to prepare the drink.
After boiling hot water, I poured the semi-solid sorghum in it and continued to turn until I got a smooth and well-cooked drink.
Add some sugar and milk to this if you can afford some milk, and this is a perfect and healthy breakfast. This is one of the healthiest breakfasts we take around here. A lot of nursing mothers introduce this to their babies as one of the first meals our infants here take before eating any other solid food.
Before the advent of Cereal and Golden Morn meals for kids, this is what we often fed babies in times past and even up until now. It is economical, and the nutrients can be enhanced by mixing it with other proteinous staples.
Next time you will get to see how we prepare some sorghum flour and turning meals from sorghum. For now you can join me for breakfast.
- Eating healthy keeps away the doctor 😄