Hello Hive.
Farming activities doesn't end right when we have Harvested our crops from the farm. Storage and safe keeping of harvested foodstuffs from environmental factors is equally important. Grains and foodstuffs not properly harvested can get infected with insect or pest leading to total waste while tubers are subjected to getting rotten in storage.
Tubers getting rotten in storage has could cause a major loss because there are no further use for these yams.
Checkout our yams and how fresh they are to see that these have been properly preserved from going bad
There various storage methods that can be used depending on location.
Tubers contain alot of water and if you are in places with constant power supply you may want to consider freezing the yams. Once the moisture contents freezes up the yam is prevented from getting rotten.
Traditional ways of preserving yams in some culture is by the use of barns. We make wooden structure arranged on a pole and have the yams arranged vertically, well aerated.
These structure can be made around a palm trees with woods arranged on it all the way down. A small shade can be created to keep away sunlight .
This shade should be made of grasses because zink and other materials can absorb heat.
But another sure way of preserving yams is by keeping them in holes beside a riverine area
The soil in which the yam is kept should be dried and free of moisture content.
Keeping it beside a riverine area is to keep the environment in which the yams are kept to be very cold.
Regardless of the heat in different locations, river banks and area around the river do not often experience severe hotness, besides my state in Benue is more like a forest area and all our rivers are surrounded by tall trees.
The tress provide a good shade for yams from the sun, the river nearby keeps the environment cold and the yams are preserved. Just dig a ditch large enough to contain your tubers and arrange them with probably some leave covering for conceal them.
This way we had these tubers preserved even in this hot weather that's is unbearable for humans.