Queer community contest #120, Creativity

in QC Communitylast month



Creativity is the ability to think outside the box. The ability to make things happen through imagination. The ability to produce something extra ordinary or a great idea that can change the world. Creativity is not limited to art, no, daily activities, scientist, technology,all this is creativity. When you are able to profer solution, create new ideas that surpassed the old one, it is creativity. In that case, let me answer the question below on our contest.

This week topic 👇

Creativity - Do you consider yourself a creative person? Do you think creativity is only applied in the arts or is it applied in everything we do? How do you maintain your creativity?

I'm I creative?

This is really funny but interesting topic to consider as knowing your ability in doing things make way for improvement. I am creative in my daily activities,in my business too. How do I know that I'm creative? Sometimes in life, I find myself in a very tight Conner that requires thinking ability to come out of there or assistance from someone. I have game play and sing a particular song while playing that game. I can play it and sing all alone for many hours. That game is very difficult to play, that's why I always play it during difficult time. I will say to myself, if you win you will solve the problem. The more I play the game,the easier it becomes for me to win. I don't count how many times I played it or how many hours it took me, all I want is to win. If I'm not creative, I won't give myself such task to think outside the box to profer solution.

There are some natural remedies I am taking also use it for treatment that I did not learn from anyone but thinking, bring in new ideas and practice over time until it becomes what it is today. So many things we have in the world today came out through that way. Critical thinking

How I maintain my creativity

I maintain my creativity by isolating myself to think. By reading and meditation, by trying new things, by observing how one person succeeded in inventing something, I will think how he was able to do it. All this help me to maintain my creativity.


I am always happy each time I accomplish new things. Yes been creative helps one to be focus in life, it train your perseverance, resilience and commitment.


it train your perseverance, resilience and commitment

That's a good point fam. I knew that creativity was important to solve problems but I didn't connect it with perseverance, resilience and commitment. And it makes so much sense, since we need to try the new things our creativity made us think of. And if things doesn't work out we need to come up with new ideas over and over again.