Traditional winter pies and fun to eat

in CCHlast year

Different types of pitha are available in our country. That is, different types of pitha are prepared in village houses and also in cities and pitha festivals are held on different occasions. We like to eat different types of pita at different times. I especially love the winter variety of pies. That is, different types of winter pies are made in winter. These pies are loved by all classes of people from children to old age. In our country there are some winter pithas which village women take great pleasure in making, ie the festival of these winter pithas continues from house to house. Especially there are some uniform winter pithas which are made in every house. Today's discussion about some such winter pies.


People eat different types of pitha at different times of the year. But all pithas are not the same fun all the time. Especially winter pitha is the most delicious to us. In our country, the pithas that are made in rural Bengal in winter are Patisapta Pitha, Nakshi Pitha, Pakan Pitha, Shamuk Pitha, Mera Pitha and Egg Pattowa Pitha etc. All these pithas are prepared by the women of the village with great care. Especially me and my family members who are present celebrate Pitha Utsav and invite various relatives to this Pitha Utsav. Let's all enjoy the winter pitha festival together. The composition of making pithas for each winter is different i.e. pithas are made in different shapes.


It is a little more difficult to make pithas in winter. Still, winter pithas are very tasty when eaten hot. Different types of winter pies are needed to make different types of winter pies. All the ingredients that are required to make winter pies are rice flour, sugar, oil, sweets and more and more ingredients. Especially I prefer steamed pita as winter pita. During winters sometimes we don't choose winter pies for dinner. That is, we make hot winter pies in winter nights and prepare dinner with them. Winter Pitha is a type of pitha that is loved by all the people of different castes or classes


People in the city can't eat winter pitha as much because the city environment doesn't have the same facilities to make winter pitha as in the village. I hope everyone in the Hive community loves winter pies and eats winter with great taste. Everyone will eat winter pie because everyone likes to eat winter pie in winter so I think you all will too. I request the cooperation of those who are in the Hive community and support me so that I can come up with a variety of good posts.


Pitha is my all time favorite and I always love to eat this kind of pitha. In our region these pithas are a part of Bengali culture and these pithas are prepared on various festive occasions.