Happy Chinese New Year. Let's go pay homage to the Buddha.

in CCHlast year

Today is Chinese New Year, come visit the temple near our house, Wat Tha Koei. It is a temple near our house that is next to a prison, a mountain of limestone. This temple has the appearance of being shady with a forest of trees and being next to the mountain, which makes it visible. With a mountain view, there will be buildings, there will be a church, there will be a monk's residence, a monastery, and there will be a Buddha image and there will be a stone on which they painted images of tigers or Sangkajai Buddhas. Another thing that makes this temple an interesting point is that it is close to a mountain and they have carved stone images of various animals and Buddha statues, making it worth visiting. Another temple is this temple. In the past, when I was a child, there were many caves on this mountain with very beautiful stalagmites and stalactites. But as time passed, a stone mill was built, so the government closed it to the public. He went to visit because there was danger from the explosion that he blew off the rock. He was afraid it would cause a collapse and be dangerous, so he closed the cave so we couldn't go in and visit. Today there will be pictures of him shaking off the rock to share with friends. yes

This is another building that is a church. It is not a big church, but when you look at it, it has a sacredness that makes you considerate because we took the picture from the side and above is the limestone mountain that this temple is. You can't go visit this temple because they're blasting rocks. It will be dangerous, so they ordered the cave closed because it would be dangerous for the people who go to visit the cave. Even though there are still beautiful stalactites and stalagmites when In the 20's, more than 20 years ago, but nowadays no one has been able to go in and let them see the picture of them seeing the cement and I would like to end this clip here. Thank you for coming to view this post. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The temple has a large pond that can be used for many uses and makes the atmosphere shady and not cold. The water can be used for many things. Thank you for watching. Thank you very much.blog