Hy all hive friends, how are you all in [posting this time I want to share a story about a chicken that will be cut and then made into food,
It's also difficult for me when I don't post stories because my RC isn't sufficient, so I also have to wait for my RC to come back and then I can post and share stories with friends on the blog, Hy all hive friends, how are you all in [posting this time I want to share a story about a chicken that will be cut and then made into food,
It's also difficult for me when I don't post stories because my RC isn't sufficient, so I also have to wait for my RC to come back and then I can post and share stories with friends on the blog.
The first step I have to look for chickens in the market where there are people selling white chickens, in my country chickens are divided into 3 types, namely white chickens, jungle chickens and native chickens. Well, the chicken I'm looking for this time is white chickens, usually these chickens are sold in the middle of urban markets.
This white chicken also tends to be more lazy in moving because it has eaten a lot so this chicken is lazy and has difficulty making movements, different from the village chicken and partridge. These two chickens have very agile skills so they are very difficult to catch but what is more interesting The thing is that this native chicken has more tender meat than ordinary white chicken. It could be said that the winner of the most delicious taste of chicken is the first native chicken, the second is the jungle chicken, the third is the white chicken.
after I found the white chicken I immediately cut it, after the chicken was finished cutting the chicken I immediately grilled it for a few minutes until the chicken feathers and skin became easy to cut, I will show the photo below when the chicken has been grilled and ready to be cut into pieces
Once it was ready to be grilled, the chicken was cut into small pieces, then I took the chicken home and continued cooking it at home, The slaughtering costs are not expensive, only around Rp. 10,000 and the price of the chicken is only Rp. 35,000, so the total price is only around Rp. 45,000, it's really cheap isn't it and this is also if we make the food at home, it can last up to 2 days Instead of eating at food stalls for up to IDR 20,000 in one meal, it could make us lose money, so friends, learn to save something because maintaining the family's economy is important, hehe.
okay, maybe that's the end of my post, more or less, if my writing is difficult to read, I apologize to all my friends, I'll say goodbye until I see you again in my next post, friends, bye...bye....