Hello, my lovely friends. Today I would like to present a stir-fried pork fiber, tofu and egg dish. This dish is easy to make and can be made often. You won’t get bored because you can change the ingredients as you like. You can add more vegetables or other types of meat as you like.
1 kg of wide noodles
200 g of pork
1 diced tofu
1 cup of cabbage
3-4 cloves of minced garlic
2 tbsp of light soy sauce
2 tbsp of seasoning sauce
2 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tbsp of sugar
Ground pepper, as desired
4 tbsp of vegetable oil
1 tbsp of dark soy sauce
3 eggs
1 handful of basil leaves
1 handful of holy basil leaves
Fresh chili, as desired
1 piece of fish balls
Young pepper, as desired
Scallions and coriander, as desired
Mix the wide noodles with dark soy sauce and marinate for about 15 minutes. Then prepare everything according to the recipe. Cut the cabbage and soak it in salt water to remove chemicals for 3-4 minutes. Then wash it clean and set aside on a sieve. Take the holy basil and holy basil leaves and pick only the leaves. Crack the eggs into a bowl. Follow the recipe. Then, pound the chili and black pepper until slightly broken. Set aside. Then, scoop out all the ingredients according to the recipe.
How to make
Place the pan on the stove, then add oil. Wait for the oil to heat up, then add garlic. Fry the garlic until it turns yellow and fragrant. Add pork and stir-fry until the pork is cooked.
Next step, add the prepared eggs. Use a spatula to stir until the eggs separate and are hard and cooked. Then add the pounded curry paste. Stir-fry until the curry paste is cooked and fragrant.
Then add the cabbage. Use a spatula to stir-fry the cabbage until cooked. At this point, you will smell the aroma of fresh chili and black pepper. Continue to stir-fry until the cabbage is cooked.
Add the tofu and fish balls and stir-fry together again until the tofu is cooked and the fish balls are cooked, then add the basil and holy basil leaves. Stir-fry quickly. You will get a very fragrant smell of the basil and holy basil leaves. Season with the prepared seasonings. At this point, it smells so good that your mouth will water. You will not miss having to try it. Taste it to your liking. It's not finished yet. Continue.
Now we have reached the important step. Add the large noodles and then use a spatula to stir-fry until well blended. Add the spring onions and coriander. Taste again. If there is any lack of flavor, you can add more seasoning as you like. It is now done and ready to serve.
This menu is prepared with a wooden plate to match the atmosphere of stir-fried wide noodles or stir-fried drunken wide noodles. How do you think about this menu? Does it look delicious? This menu has a spicy flavor. Overall, it has a well-rounded flavor. If you like this menu, you can adjust the flavor and ingredients as desired. Today, I must say goodbye and see you again next time.