Hello friends of Hive Sucre, my first publication of this type in this community, today very happy to come to show you my first purchase made with my HBD in my city, Cumaná State Sucre in one of our local allies, the panetteria.
Debo confesar que estaba un poco nerviosa y emocionada a la vez por usar mis HBD, desde hace algunos dias descargue la app HIVE KEYCHAIN donde vi que era muy sencillo realizar los pagos a negocios aliados, crei que ya tenia todo configurado en la app hasta que me dirigi a la panetteria por una torta muy deliciosa que de manera muy recurrente compramos mi novio y yo porque son deliciosas, se llaman Vikinga. La pedi y al momento de ir a la caja a efectuar mi compra, lo primero que me puso nerviosa es que la muchacha me indico que en esos momentos no podian facilitarme el codigo QR y que hiciera el pago con el usuario del negocio, cosa que me asusto porque en varias publicaciones habia visto solo pagos on QR, pero al pasar unos minutos encontre la manera de enviar el dinero con el usuario, cuando estoy realizando la transferencia me pide la contraseña memo, asi que tambien tuve que agregarlas, y luego cuando finalmente logro hacer el pago, la app no me muestra comprobante y no encontraba donde ver los movimientos jajajaja, de verdad fue muy gracioso y a la vez preocupante, como siempre digo, siempre para todo hay una primera vez, asi que despues de buscar muchos minutos los movimientos los encontre finalmente, la chica de la caja tambien esta muy poco familiarizada con al app y tampoco me podia ayudar, asi que finalmente al encontrar el comprobante se lo envio a la jefa, ella verifico mi pago y listo, despues de los nervios me entregaron mi tortica y me fui mas tranquila a degustarla con mi novio, quien me estaba acompañando en esta aventura. Realmente fue muy gracioso, pero ya estoy mucho mas familiarizada con la app, y para la proxima lo hare mejor.
I must confess that I was a little nervous and excited at the same time to use my HBD, since a few days ago I downloaded the app HIVE KEYCHAIN where I saw that it was very easy to make payments to allied businesses, I thought I had everything configured in the app until I went to the bakery for a very delicious cake that my boyfriend and I buy very often because they are delicious, they are called Vikinga. I ordered it and when I went to the cashier to make my purchase, the first thing that made me nervous is that the girl told me that at that time they could not give me the QR code and to make the payment with the user of the business, which scared me because in several publications I had seen only payments on QR, but after a few minutes I found the way to send the money with the user, when I am making the transfer asks me the memo password, so I also had to add them, and then when I finally manage to make the payment, the app does not show me the voucher and the app does not show me the proof of payment, so I had to add them, and then when I finally manage to make the payment, the app does not show me the voucher and the app does not show me the proof of payment, the app does not show me the receipt and I could not find where to see the movements hahahaha, it was really funny and at the same time worrying, as I always say, there is always a first time for everything, so after looking for many minutes the movements I finally found them, the girl at the cashier is also very unfamiliar with the app and could not help me either, so finally when she found the receipt she sent it to the boss, she verified my payment and ready, after the nerves they gave me my tortica and I went more calm to degus.
La torta estaba deliciosa, era de chocolate con mouse de parchita, tenia mani, de verdad me di mi gusto gracias a HIVE y la atencion alli en la panetteria es muy buena, asi que se los recomiendo amigos que se pasen un dia por alla para utilizar sus HBD.
The cake was delicious, it was chocolate with parchita mouse, it had peanuts, I really enjoyed it thanks to HIVE and the attention there in the bakery is very good, so I recommend you friends to stop by one day to use your HBD.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Todas las fotos fueron capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.
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