Still on the Healthy Buzz
I wrote a few posts recently on healthy eating, I've been cutting down on sugar and various other things. We're now half way through february and i'm keeping at it. It's very easy to do something like this for the first few weeks in January and then let it fade away, or even continue for the full month of January and then let it fade away. I was adamant not to let that happen, so I'm happy to report that I'm still holding steady with the healthy habits.
It helps to have lots of healthy meats and fish and fruit, vegetables and nuts at the ready.
These chicken fillets were perfect for my lunch and make up for having no bread.
No added sugar.
No bread.
I usually go for some lettuce or Rocket or both with olive oil drizzled over, but I didn't have any in the fridge this time, so had to go for some other healthy options or non processed options.
I now regularly have salads like this for my lunch. Don't get me wrong. I do still sometimes have a sandwich but lots of my lunches now during the week are bread free. I'll head out for lunch with a friend and have bread if I want. I'm not breaking any laws, but I like to believe that doing what I'm doing most days a week will have a positive impact on my overall health.
It's all about habit formation. At the weekends, as I said before, I allow myself a few treats.
It's Friday today, so I enjoyed a nice glass of Vino Tinto..
And a bag of crisps...
As I said previously for those trying to do something similar to this, one of the most important and fundamental things is to have healthy foods in your fridge. Equally important is not having unhealthy foods in the fridge.
You'll see from the photo above, I've tomatoes, scallions, carrots and fresh meat at the ready. If you're fridge and presses are full of sugar and processed foods then you're more likely to eat them of course. So you need to make a conscious effort to buy the healthier foods and have them in your fridge ready to go.
When you do treat yourself to some sugar then, you really enjoy it too.
These photos are all my own taken on my Samsung Smartphone.
Thanks as always for stopping by everyone
Peace Out