Healthy Eating
I wrote a post a while ago about healthy eating l, cutting down on sugar and various other things. We're now into february and i'm keeping at it. It's very easy to do something like this for the first few weeks in January and then let it fade away, or even continue for the full month of January and then let it fade away. So i'm gonna try my best to keep these good habits formed and see how I get on and how long I can continue.
What do you notice about the plate of food above?
No added sugar.
No bread.
I now regularly have salads like this for my lunch. Don't get me wrong.I do still sometimes have a sandwich but lots of my lunches now during the week are bread free.
It's all about habit formation. I'm not overly strict either and at the weekends I might enjoy a pizza, a cake or whatever, but the pleasing thing is that 80% of my week is sugar and bread free and I think there is a tangible benefit and I feel better.
For Anyone trying to do something similar to this, one of the most important and fundamental things is to have healthy foods in your fridge. You'll see from the photo above, I've tomatoes, scallions, carrots and fresh meat at the ready. If you're fridge and presses are full of sugar and process led foods than of course , you're more likely to eat these. So you need to make a conscious effort to buy the healthier foods and have them in your fridge ready to go.
Dry January
I gave up alcohol again this January and once again, it felt great and I benefited. This weekend I went out with friends after an anniversary mass and enjoyed some pints of Guinness for the first time in almost five weeks and it was a lot of fun. Everything in moderation.
One does not need to give up everything or change everything, but certain little incremental changes can make a big difference. We just have to disciplined and have the realisation that certain things, foods, habits are bad for us and try to limit them.
The thing is that when you actually have them, then leas often you enjoy them all the more.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
The same applies to tasty foods and drinks. If you have to them all the time, it's just your new normal, but if you have things like this occasionally and it's a treat, then you learn to enjoy them and appreciate them and they don't cause the damage that they could if you were a more regular food.
In this modern age, I think that we sometimes forget that food is first and foremost our fuel, not something to eat to feel good about ourselves.
You are what you eat.
This one holds true over many years. I'm not sure who first came out with this little expression, but it's so very true and not just figuratively either, it's literally true also, as our gut microflora is made up of billions of bacteria. Where does this bacteria come from and what does it survive on? It comes from our environment and the foods we eat. Feed your microflora loads of sugar and unhealthy foods, then guess what?
That's right, your health will suffer, as sure as night will become day, so mind yourselves and remember you're body is a temple, so treat it that way.
These photos are all my own taken on my Samsung Smartphone.
Thanks as always for stopping by everyone
Peace Out