If eating for the sake of being healthy, people would really avoid fast foods and start stocking up whole sale goods or visit the wet market. You can roast peanuts at home, eat small quantities of it and still get the essential amino acids per gram compared to other protein sources. I tried doing peanuts and eggs for protein when I was trying to be cheap (still am) with my diet, spending the least amount of money on food with compact nutrition.
What I found out while trying to be cheap and healthy is that most people can't stomach this diet if they've been used to sugary treats and foods that taste good but offer low caloric value. It's like depriving yourself from the nice things. You win the health and financial race but you're losing that small luxury. The way the rate of inflation here in the Philippines, it's expected to see the prices you see now double after a decade or two. Expect college tuitions to be for the rich kids.