Have you ever eaten Chinese rice in a Chinese restaurant with a Chinese atmosphere and the smell of Chinese food? 😂 If so, don't worry, you're not the only one who loves Chinese food. I love it, but especially the exquisite classic Chinese rice with shrimp, soy sauce, and red sauce that is irresistible to our palates. There are different ways and types of preparing Chinese rice, and although I prefer the classic one with shrimp, there are many who prepare them with bacon, pork, cabbage, and even octopus. But today I want to teach you how to make your own delicious Chinese rice in the comfort of your home, practical and with whatever you have in your kitchen. Although the important thing is to have the soy sauce and the shrimp, to this rice I will add sliced sausages and the touch that I love of pepper.
de hacerlo porque lo haremos en tan solo seis pasos rápido y fácil ,espero te guste esta receta 🍴☺️.
So prepare your ingredients, your pots and your desire to do it because we will do it in just six quick and easy steps, I hope you like this recipe 🍴☺️.

Ingredientes(4 porciones):
Ingredients :(4 portions)
- 🍤1/2 Camarones frescos
- 🥓2 salchichas
- 🧂Sal al gusto
- 💧150 ml de agua
- 🍵Pimienta blanca y negra
- 🍃Orégano
- 🌿Tomillo
- 🧉Salsa de soya y salsa inglesa
- 🧅1 cebolla pero estaremos usando solo la mitad
- 🌾300 gr de arroz
- ☘️Cilantro y cebollín
- 🫒10 ml de aceite de Oliva
- 🍤1/2 Fresh shrimp
- 🥓2 sausages
- 🧂Salt to taste
- 💧150 ml of water
- 🍵White and black pepper
- 🍃Oregano
- 🌿Thyme
- 🧉Soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce
- 🧅1 onion but we will be using only half
- 🌾300 gr of rice
- ☘️Cilantro and chives
- 🫒10 ml of olive oil

Paso 01
Step 01
We are going to start by cutting our cilantro, chives and onion into small pieces on a cutting board.

Paso 02
Step 02
In a pot we add these seasonings already chopped into small pieces and we also chop our shrimp in half.

Paso 03
Step 03
It is also time to chop our sausages into small pieces and set our shrimp aside. To our cilantro and onion in the pot we add the olive oil to sauté it together with the sausages.

Paso 04
Step 04
We proceed to add the spices to our seasoning sauce to give flavor to the sausages while they are fried over low heat of course so as not to burn them.

Paso 05
Step 05
After stirring little by little we will add our shrimp in pieces and stir, we will add our soy and Worcestershire sauces, we will stir this and let it cook and fry once more for 10 minutes.

Paso 06
Step 06
After 10 minutes we add the rice to fry it together with the seasonings and add 150 ml of water and cover our rice to let it cook for 25 minutes on low heat, when the water has dried from our rice it is ready to serve, I hope you have enjoyed this magnificent recipe.


🦋✨ All the images in this publication are my author ,📱taken with my TecnoSpark8C cell phone |📸Photos edited in PicsArt and Canva. Text translated in Google Translate.