Hello friends, how are you beautiful community, I'm back with my recipes, ugh how long has it been since I dared to make a dish that came out great, well it's just that I'm a novice in the kitchen and I tell you that sometimes nothing turns out the way I want... But today we're back with this super ingenious snack that I came up with for a snack, some sweet cookies with caramelized strawberry essence.
It should be noted that this recipe is completely invented by me but I wanted to be guided as I referred to some cookies that used to be very rich called reinitas, obviously my cookie never compares to those cookies, those were another level of knowledge, very delicious the truth, I remember mom used to buy them for me whenever we went shopping before the economic crisis here in Venezuela of course, until they disappeared.. 💔 Yes, my heart was broken because like a good girl I would never eat them again, but well here I am as an adult to make a similarity of these cookies 😁 hahaha I share the recipe with you so that you can also make them and even better than me, with this recipe you can get 20 regular size cookies so come cook these cookies with me. 😋🍪


- 150 gr de azúcar
- 100 gr de mantequilla
- Esencia de vainilla
- Una pisca de sal
- 400 gr de harina
- Leche en polvo 2 cucharadas
- 2 huevos
- 150 gr of sugar
- 100 gr of butter
- Vanilla essence
- A pinch of salt
- 400 gr of flour
- 2 tablespoons of powdered milk
- 2 eggs
Ingredientes para el dulce:
Ingredients for the sweet:
- 100gr de azúcar
- 100 ml de agua
- Esencia de fresa con color
- 100gr of sugar
- 100 ml of water
- Strawberry essence with color

Pasos a seguir:
Steps to follow:

Paso 01
Step 01
Well we start by grabbing a round cup and we are going to pour the flour. First we start by adding the ingredients: flour, sugar, and we form a little hole with our hands.

Paso 02
Step 02
We are going to add the two eggs, then our butter and the powdered milk little by little.

Paso 03
Step 03
We add the teaspoon of salt to our mixture, then a cap of vanilla for the delicious flavor and we are going to knead this, the dough should be very compact and should come away from our fingers so we will know that it is ready and we let it rest for about 15 minutes and we knead again.

Paso 04
Step 04
We are going to oil and flour the tray that we will use to bake the cookies and not have them stick 😁, to make my cookies I am going to grab a small ball of dough, flatten it a little and shape it with my finger in the center forming a little hole, I am going to arrange them on my tray leaving a small space so that they do not stick when they are baked.

Paso 05
Step 05
To make the candy I'm going to take my sugar and water and pour it into the pot, put it to cook on low heat and add the strawberry essence, let it cook for 40 minutes and when it's thick I remove it from the heat and let it rest, when my cookies are ready I pour the mixture over each one of them through the little chick that we made on top of the cookies before baking, we add a small layer of candy and if you want to add more you can do it, the intention is that it remains well decorated and pretty with this candy on top in this way I have finished my cookies 😋


I hope you liked how they turned out, and you wouldn't want to try them😶🍪, they were delicious, I almost went back to my childhood with their rich flavor 😍😋Thank you for visiting my blog friends and I hope to continue sharing my recipes with you, I say goodbye, see you...😊
Toma una galletita 😍🍪
Have a cookie 😍🍪