Have you ever had a duro? It's a yummy Panamanian treat. It is a like a popsicle in a cup. They can be made with milk, yogurt, ice, or even condensed milk! Sometimes they are served in a plastic bag, but my favorite duros are from this place!

Our favorite place we buy them here locally, that is about 20 minutes down the mountain from us, is called Don Joaquin. We've been going to this shop since we moved here. When we first moved, they served duros out of the living room window, but now they have a nice little shop and sitting area.

The other day the kids and I went to Bugaba to run some errands and we were so excited to see that they were open on a Monday! They're usually closed and we almost always run errands there on Mondays! So we stopped in for a duro and even brought a few home for the guys who didn't go with us.

I usually eat mine by pushing it up from the bottom of the cup and taking bites off of it. My Panamanian friend said you're supposed to turn it upside down in the cup (like the first picture) and eat it that way. The kids all just chip away at it with a plastic spoon, but it takes forever doing it that way!

There are a variety of flavors and we've tried a handful of them over the years. I figure when I find something amazing, I don't want to buy something subpar and waste my $1.25. Ha!

Some of the flavors include peach (yum), raspberry (kid favorite), strawberry, coffee, sour milk (🤷♀️), coconut (my current favorite), pina colada (yum), and combination. These are the perfect size and flavor for a nice little treat as we head home! If you're ever in Panama, I highly recommend you try a duro, especially from Don Joaquin!