Hello, all of my friends of the Hive Universe. How are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Almighty.
Today I am going to talk about a day. During that day, In my flat where I live, there was no water because of a motor problem. We have only one motor for the water supply to our whole building.
After a lot of classes all day, I was so tired. When I went to my university in the morning, I knew the news. I thought that this problem would be solved within the evening. But When I returned home, I came to know that the motor problem was not solved. I became sad because I had to cook my food for my dinner. But water is not coming which is a great trouble for me.
After some time one idea came to my mind. I wanted to make food that did not require much water to cook or prepare.
During that time, in my home, some ingredients are available like
- Chia seed
- Dragon fruit
- Banana fruit
- cranberry juice
- chocos
- yogurt
- flatted rice
- Jiggery
- Oats
Chia seeds, jaggery, flatted rice, and oats always remain in my home. So, I wanted to make something from these ingredients.
Fruits are not available always. That day, when I was coming back from University, I brought banana fruit and dragon fruit also. Because dragon fruit and banana fruits were finished the previous night. So I bought them. I try to eat those two fruits because dragon fruits contain iron with many more nutrients such as
- Iron, which enriches the hemoglobin.
Level in blood. - It is good for the heart
- It is good for the skin and eyes also.
Banana also contains iron. We also get vitamins like,
- Vitamin C
- vitamin B6
- Magnesium which helps regulate stress levels and has so many benefits
So I try to eat those fruits regularly. I avoid fast food as much as I can. When my craving for fast food increased during that time, I made that recipe in my kitchen. I always try to eat homemade food. So I cook myself every day. But when my exam is scheduled that time I eat from our university canteen. My university canteens are named Lemon Line and Didir Canteen.
Then I started to make the food. At first, I washed two bananas and two dragon fruits by using our Filter water, which was for our drinking. Then I started to cut the Dragon fruit. After cutting the dragon fruits, I started to cut banana fruits into pieces. Then I added 2 tablespoons of jaggery and mixed it well. During that time, I added jaggery because the banana fruits were not that much ripened. So I added some jaggery for a sweet taste.
Then I washed flattened rice and added oats. After that I took a big bowl and added them one by one at first I added flatted rice and oats then I added fruits and 250g yogurt, then cranberry juice 5 to 10 ml. After that, I added Chocos and chia seeds and mixed them well. At last, I added nuts for garnishing the fruit salad.
This was the final result.
Here, I added different types of nuts and dry fruits. My friend was going to her sister's home, then she went to university from her sister's home and came back home. So I treat her as a guest just for fun.
After making the fruit salad, We started eating. Here my friends Tanjina and Joya and I eat that fruit salad together. Here my friend Naznin was not present because her mother was ill. She was going to her mother's place. However, we enjoyed this fruit recipe. Its taste was sweet and sour taste mixed.
At 10:30 pm our motor problem was solved.
Then water was coming. Then my friend Joya start cooking food. She said you didn’t need to cook food. I am cooking for you guys. So we were not going to cook food. We cleaned our room and also cleaned our plates and bowls. She cooked for us aroma rice, chicken roast, potato fry with salad. For the salad, I cut cucumber, carrot, green chili, and onion. Then I make it. We were hungry, so our focus was on when cooking was finished and when we ate. So I forget to take a picture of us. During the cooking time, I was busy cleaning.
We enjoyed the food which my friend Joya cooked. It was a new experience in our life. We didn’t face it earlier. However, We enjoyed it a lot😋😋.
That’s all for today. See you in the next post. Thank you for reading my post. Have a great day 🍀
N:B: All the photos are my own property, some photos were taken by my friend Tanjina while I was preparing the food.