"Kalaiji (Liver)Fry Recipe:A Famous And Traditional Dish Of Kalabagh,Pakistan"

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago

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Assalam o alaikum and hello to my #3speak community.Today I am going to share a famous,delicious and tasty recipe of Kalaiji(Liver)Fry.This is one of our traditional dishes of Kalabagh Pakistan.
For preparation of this recipe we take about 1kg of Liver (kalaiji) In a fry pan and burn the fire under it.Than following ingredients mixed in it to Cook the dish.
1)2 big spoons of oil
2)200gram onion
3)200gram tomatoes

  1. 50 gram paste of garlic and ginger
    5)2 tea spoons of red chilli powder
    6)2 tea spoons of corriondor powder
    7)1 tea spoon of salt
    8)2 tea spoons of Karahi gosht masala
    9)1 tea spoon of cumin
    10)1/4 tea spoon turmeric powder
    10)Green corriondor and green chillies for garnishing
    To add these ingredients and cook the dish please watch the full video till the end .I tried this recipe and it's taste was amazing and delicious.I hope you will also enjoy it and your mouth will water.Thanks

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Hi @arshadkhan4421

This recipe is fine, however, we will make certain observations:

Where are the quantities you use in this recipe? We see the list of ingredients, but not the quantities, and this is basic information in any recipe publication.

On the other hand, we don't see you making your recipe. We invite you to read our community rules, especially number 4, which says:

Every user new to Hive, or new to Foodies Bee Hive, must include a minimum of three photos showing their face (of the total number of photos in each post), making their recipes.

This rule also applies to videos.

Keep this in mind for your future posts or videos in this community.

Thanks for guiding me next time I follow your instructions.please