Having different foods in iftar is called the beauty of iftar. Tonight, for the Iftar (dinner) includes potato peas, pizza, steak mutton, chowmein, and sweet dishes like fruit chaat and sheer seviyan. Having such foods adds charm to the iftar time and in the family gathering.
All Foods Together
Having such colorful and variety of foods adds to the beauty of the iftar and creates a pleasant atmosphere. Certainly, everyone loves these types of foods and wishes that such food is made every day so that to enjoy the Iftar or Sehri time.
Let me first tell you guys about the word "Iftar". Its an arabic word which means "Breaking the Fast". A meal time where Muslim people break their fast and do eat and drink after the complete day of fasting.
When a person is hungry all day, they eagerly wait for the iftar time, hoping for good food that can remove the deficiency of the body. These foods I have mentioned all contain excellent nutrition, which makes them a complete meal and do complete all the necessities of the human body.
Chowmein, Potato Peas, Chicken Rice
Along with this, if a food is not in touch with the culture, then the taste of that food is not that good. Our usual attempt is to add a cultural touch, which certainly enhances the beauty of the table setting.
The cultural food in Pakistan, which is most commonly used during the month of Ramadan, is pakoras and samosas, which have a very good taste. Along with this, having other cultural foods is also very important. Among my mentioned foods, potato peas and sheer seviyan are considered part of our cultural foods which we do eat in more excitement.
Home Made Pizza, Mutton Steak
Different colors and beautifully arranged dishes enhance the beauty of iftar, which further increases hunger, and such colorful foods create a celebratory atmosphere. Different dishes and sweets during iftar create an atmosphere of happiness and celebration, making it even more special to spend it with family and friends.
If the food at iftar is different and beautiful, the spirituality of Ramadan is felt more, which makes that time even more special, and this is called the beauty of Ramadan. These foods are not only made in our homes, but this atmosphere exists in every home and continues throughout the month of Ramadan.
Steak, Pasta
Certainly, by seeing these foods, your mouths must be watering, and you might also want to make these items at home soon or try them at some hotel. Certainly, this is true, these are foods that increase hunger and create excitement to try these foods.
Vegetable Rolls and Eggs
I will try to share such food once a week, so that the joys of Ramadan can be experienced, and at the same time, I continue sharing cultural foods with you guys.
Sweet Dishes
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