I have often heard of egg crust since I was little but never enjoyed it even though I often went to Jakarta after that. Well, egg crust is indeed a typical Betawi food, the native people of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.
Egg crust is identical with the Jakarta Fair activity which is always held at Jakarta International Expo, Indonesia.
Outside of the Jakarta Fair event which usually lasts for a month in June or coincides with the anniversary of the city of Jakarta, there are not as many egg crust traders as when there is a Jakarta Fair event.
Kerak Telur is a Betawi specialty made from a mixture of sticky rice, duck eggs, and roasted grated coconut. How to cook Kerak Telor at home can use a non-stick omelette pan.
Based on several references, the Betawi egg crust recipe for two servings is as follows:
- 6 tablespoons of sticky rice, soaked overnight and drained
- 2 duck eggs
- 2 teaspoons of dried shrimp, soaked, roasted and ground
- 2 tablespoons of half-old grated coconut, roasted
- 1 tablespoon of fried onions
- 1 tablespoon of sliced red chili, roasted and ground
- 1 tablespoon of salt
How to make Betawi kerak telur (egg crust):
Beat the duck egg, add the dried shrimp, ground spices, fried onions, and toasted coconut. Stir well.
Heat a non-stick omelette pan. Pour in half of the sticky rice. Spread evenly over the surface of the pan. Cook until half cooked.
Pour in half of the seasoned beaten egg. Spread evenly over the entire surface while pressing. Once the bottom is cooked, it can be flipped over so that it cooks evenly. Remove.
Kerak telur crust is served while hot.
Kerak Telur is not only available in the form of duck eggs, but also chicken eggs. The price is between Rp25,000 to Rp30,000 (around 5 - 6 hives) per portion. Very affordable, right?