Greetings my dear friends from Foodies Bee Hive, it is a pleasure for me to share with you one of my dessert recipes. 😁😁😋 I would like to know your opinions and suggestions.
Today I share with you a delicious glass dessert as they call it in my town. This dessert is easy to make and an excellent option for afternoon snacks.
- Torta lista o galleta
- 3 cucharadas razas de cacao
- 100 gramos de Maicena
- 1kl de fresas
- 1/2 de Azúcar
- Ready cake or cookie
- 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 100 grams of Cornstarch
- 1kl of strawberries
- 1/2 of Sugar
Para este postre utilice torta casera previamente preparada, pero se puede usar galleta o incluso comprar en cualquier panadería trozos de torta, la cual nos servirá de base para nuestro postre. La idea de utilizar la tora es ir agregando capas base y capas de crema y así ir generando color y textura.
For this dessert, use previously prepared homemade cake, but you can use cookies or even buy pieces of cake at any bakery, which will serve as the base for our dessert. The idea of using tora is to add base layers and layers of cream and thus generate color and texture.

A parte fui haciendo mi relleno, el cual seria de chocolate y fresa. Para la mescla de chocolate utilice los 100 gramos de maicena, lo cuales coloque en agua y fuego lento, luego le agregue el chocolate hasta que espesara y azúcar hasta endulzar al punto.
I also made my filling, which would be chocolate and strawberry. For the chocolate mixture, use 100 grams of cornstarch, which I placed in water and over low heat, then added the chocolate until it thickened and sugar until it was sweet enough.
Por otro lado, hice la mermelada de fresa, para la cual vertí el kilo de fresas en agua con medio kilo de azúcar y lo coloque a fuego lento y fui revolviendo lentamente hasta llegar al espesor deseado.
On the other hand, I made the strawberry jam, for which I poured the kilo of strawberries in water with half a kilo of sugar and placed it on low heat and stirred slowly until reaching the desired thickness.
Al tener lista mi mezcla de chocolate y fresa. Lo que seguía era tomar mi vaso e irlo rellenando con una capa base de torta, una de chocolate, una de torta y luego de fresa; así sucesivamente hasta llenar mi vaso, al tenerlo llego coronarlo con una fresa natural para decorar. 🍓🍫😍
Having my chocolate and strawberry mixture ready. What followed was to take my glass and fill it with a base layer of cake, one of chocolate, one of cake and then of strawberry; So on until my glass is full, when I have it I crown it with a natural strawberry to decorate.🍓🍫😍
Resultado Final

Les garantizo que esta mezcla de fresas con chocolate es exquisita. Perfecta para merendar en las tarde e incluso es un postre ideal para cualquier emprendimiento ya que es fácil y bajo en costo.
I guarantee you that this strawberry and chocolate mixture is exquisite. Perfect for an afternoon snack and it is even an ideal dessert for any endeavor since it is easy and low in cost.
👉 Twitter:@azuldelmar95
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¡¡Espero les haya gustado mi contenido!!! De antemano, Gracias por su apoyo. 😁😁😁
I hope you liked my content!!! In advance, thank you for your support.😁😁😁