I am a child from the village, but in our place there were never many cows or other livestock, so making cheese is not a very typical thing, especially not for young people like me. That's why I was very proud of myself when I managed to do this, especially cause I made it from purchased milk from store where a good part of the fat has already been removed from it.
I took 5 bags of milk, i.e. 5 liters and curdled it with two tablespoons of rennet. I previously heated it until it was barely lukewarm and mixed it like that and waited for about three hours to form a solid mixture. Then I gently ran the knife through it and made like some cubes, so that I could easily put them in a cloth strainer.
Here's how it turned out after straining all night (I put a cutting board over it and then a bucket full of water from above to press it down well)
Under the cloth with cheese I put a grate and a bowl that will collect the remaining liquid or whey.
Also, my healthy black buckwheat bread went perfectly with the freshly prepared cheese.
Voila! <3
Enjoy and good day!