10 Fruits and veggies that makes your skin glow

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year


An apple a day can certainly keep ageing skin at bay! This fruit has vitamin C in abundance.
Apple also prevents free- radical damage which causes premature skin ageing

How to use it
To ensure glowing skin , you can eat one apple everyday. You can also apply the juice of an apple on your face and wash it off with water after 10 minutes, apart from this, apple impact health benefits aswell



carrot is high in beta carotene which is converted by the body to vitamin A
This makes it a must eat vegetable in your daily diet
Not only will it make your skin glow, it will also fight wrinkles and improve your skin making it healthy

How to use it
You can also add carrots to salad or use it to make a dish
Drinking carrot juice with it's fibre intact is also a great way to boost energy


Your skin tends to look dull when it has scars, acne and blackheads. But lemons can keep these at bay
This fruit has high content of vitamin C which is needed for the synthesis of collagen


Squeeze a lemon in a glass of warm water and have it first thing in the morning.
You can add a spoonful of honey also in the mixture.
Or simply add a dash of lemon in your salad.



One sure fire way to brighten your complexion is to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds.
These little bit are pack with zinc which is vital in the creation of new skin cell


Consume a handful of pumpkin seeds as an evening snacks. You can also garnish curry with this seeds or add them to your sandwich for an extra crunch



Spinach is loaded with antioxidant, it can help reduce the onset of wrinkles.
It also helps strengthen skin tissues and possesses anti-inflammatory properties which flush out toxin, giving clear and glowing skin


Usually Spinach has to be boiled and then add to salad
Spinach juice is effective in keeping your skin healthy



The presence of malt, malic acid in strawberry Makes it a natural whitening agent
It also has loads of antioxidant which lend your skin a healthy radiance from within


Eat a handful of strawberries or simple mesh it to make a paste and add yoghurt and honey.
Strawberry can also be added to your smoothie

Your skin needs a boost from within to look fresh and glow
Tomato is rich in an antioxidant called LYCOPENE which is anti-aging properties and also acts sunscreen from within
Some tomato specie is acidic in nature, it pulp help tighten spores and prevent pimples


Tomatoes are usually a staple of indian diet and added to several dishes in puree form.
You can eat them raw and aswell apply the juice on your skin


Avocados are highly nutritional fruit, hypes in the
health world as a super beauty food often use as vegan mayonnaise. Not only do they taste great, but they also offer amazing benefits to the skin as well as when apply externally.
Avocados contain biotic also know as vitamin B7,
Promote cell regeneration and growth resulting in faster growing hairs and nails and glowing skin
The also contain vitamin E known as "the protector of skin".
The fatty acid in this naturally fatty fruit help to provide the skin with essential lubricants, and protect the skin.

There are numerous benefits of banana which help rejuvenate dry skin and soften rough skin
Moisturizes and hydrate the skin making it look Fuller, more supple and youthful.
It contains various skin healthy nutrients such as Vitamin A, B, and E
The nutrients in banana works to maintain the elasticity of skin, moisture dry flaky skin, prevent premature ageing and wrinkles, soften and rejuvenate skin and fades out dark spots and blemishes

Pawpaw extract are widely used in the skin care industry in the form of facial peels, soaps, cleanser and lotions. But why go after chemical treatment when you can enjoy goodness of pawpaw fresh and cheap!
Eat paw paw regularly and even mesh it and apply on the skin for a youthful bright glow
Pawpaw contain a large amount of vitamin A/Beta Carotene and an important enzyme, PAPAIN.
PAPAIN is not only a digestive aid that breaks down in active proteins but it's a powerful antioxidant
It counters free radical damage on the skin and also help heal damage skin by speeding up cell regeneration.

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