Anoche preparé mis primeros perros calientes aprovechando la oportunidad de que mis padres habían retornado de viaje después de varios días de vacaciones y bueno aunque no estaba mi hija la ocasión igual fue especial.
Last night I prepared my first hot dogs taking advantage of the opportunity that my parents had returned after several days of vacation and well, although my daughter was not there, the occasion was still special.
Nunca antes había preparado perros calientes pero sí he comido mucho y eso me sirvió de conocimiento aunque tuve algunas dudas para colocar la salsa si iban antes de la ensalada después del queso o antes de la salchicha hahahaha.
I had never prepared hot dogs before but I have eaten a lot and that gave me knowledge although I had some doubts about placing the sauce if they went before the salad after the cheese or before the sausage hahahaha.
Aprovechando que fuimos al supermercado a comprar la comida de la semana le propuse la idea a mi madre y bueno mientras comprábamos Me dediqué a hacer un presupuesto con lo que tenía disponible, y a escoger las cosas que íbamos a necesitar compré los panes las salchichas mostaza salsa de tomate mayonesa, y papitas No conseguí así que Me dediqué a hacerlas yo misma con una papa natural.
Taking advantage of the fact that we went to the supermarket to buy food for the week, I proposed the idea to my mother and well, while we were shopping, I dedicated myself to making a budget with what I had available, and choosing the things we were going to need, I bought the bread, the sausages, mustard sauce tomato mayonnaise, and chips I couldn't get it so I dedicated myself to making them myself with a natural potato.
Teniendo toda la mano preparé la ensalada con repollo y la zanahoria que estaba en la nevera, el queso también lo teníamos a la mano. Bueno estuvieron listos y le colocamos un poco de queso aunque no se ven en la foto, el resultado final fue con queso y las comimos con una gaseosa, mis padres quedaron muy contentos ya que siempre habíamos comido perros calientes pero hechos por mi hermano y esta vez los preparé yo por primera vez y quedaron ricos.
Having everything on hand I prepared the salad with cabbage and carrots that were in the refrigerator, we also had the cheese on hand. Well they were ready and we added a little cheese although you can't see them in the photo, the final result was with cheese and we ate them with a soda, my parents were very happy since we had always eaten hot dogs but made by my brother and this I prepared them for the first time and they were delicious.