I was invited to visit some of my friends from Limassol and attend a high tea. this weekend. My daughter very kindly changed an appointment to be able to drive the 1hour and 15mins to get to Limassol from our side of the island.
***very artistic photograph - credit for this amazing photograph - @avril.fortuin ***
Quite the treat in 5 Star luxury
It was lovely to catch up with old friends and some new ones too.
My friend Soshi organised the event.
One of the gentlemen there ordered a bottle of white and a bottle of red wine so we could all have some wine before the towers arrived.
New Years wishes all around
Great time of fellowship
Soshi organised the event - Thank you Soshi
Variety of savouries and sweets
Each tower was for two persons - Tea for Two - and five of these towers were polished. Not a morsel left.
Shoshi made a group on whatsapp and we added our photographs - so I can't take credit for some of the photographs posted here. Thank you to the contributors.
With my friend Bev and Amanda