🍲🍞🥯Claire's Crazy bakes and Kitchen Hacks Chapter 49: Soup Glorious Soup! 🍲🍞🥯

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago (edited)

OOOh, It's actually been a while since I did a food post. With all this cold weather, here are some tips and tricks to make magical soup.

It is ridiculously cold here in Cape Town so I have been making a lot of soup lately. It is economical, extremely healthy and easy to make!

You need a giant stock pot for this.

So, to start, when we do roasts, etc, I collect the leftover liquid or even boil the bones to get homemade stock and then freeze it. We also keep leftover roast veggies and these are normally done in the same pan as my flipping easy casserole, and they're bursting with flavor. Having these on hand makes a huge difference between just soup and GLORIOUS soup.

Whatever you do, start the process by dicing and sauteeing at least four onions with garlic and herbs. Then, depending on that you have, you can throw in whatever frozen veggies you feel like, chopped and diced of course. With a pot this size, I usually use about 2kg.

Then, you get to decide if you are going to add chicken (which I roast and then debone), or soup bones (which are ridiculously cheap at the local supermarket or even both!

There are no rules when it comes to soup, and that makes it kind of exciting! Every pot of soup I make is delicious and hearty. Sometimes I even add some soaked beans for extra protein, or for chicken soup, you can add two-minute noodles right at the end.

I also add in two sachets of instant soup mix, which thickens things up nicely.

I then add about a litre and a half of boiling water at let everything simmer on a low heat for at least four hours. This gives everything a chance to cook and for the flavors to blend. It's even better the next day!

My little secrets are:

  1. I hide a big blob of cheese under everyone's soup, like at the bottom of the bowl! It melts by the time they get there and come on, who doesn't like melted cheese!

  1. Choose your bread wisely. Our local supermarket has started making something called butter bread, and we are so hooked! But you can use anything you fancy, from ciabatta to sourdough. Choose something you really enjoy.

You can also bake your own bread! I do have a recipe here, and it's a meal on it's ownClaire's Crazy Cakes, Bakes and Kitchen Hacks: Chapter 8 - Scrumptious Stuffed Bread for Soup


Hi @clairemobey

We would like you to appear in a minimum of three of your next posts in this community, out of the total number of photos in each post, making your recipes or presenting your gastronomic reviews.


I would like you to note that this is the 51st post I have posted on your community. I don't know what has happened to your community but I've actually been shocked lately at how robotic your responses have been to people who put so much love and effort into contributing to your community.

This is probably the 1st post I have ever posted on your community where I am not in the images of the post. I am also concerned that you say that minors cannot appear in the posts. What on earth does that mean? I posed this question to you on one of my friend's posts where you were cold and cruel to a brand new foodies beehive member (completely discouraging to them) and I haven't received a reasonable response.

My recipes or food-related posts almost always include comprehensive recipes, photos of myself, and family involvement - which includes my family and my children and cooking is a love language in our home.

We are also ALL active hive bloggers.

I have never had issues like this with ANY community here on Ecency and especially from the foodie's beehive community. It has always been a pleasure to share and chat with fellow foodies, but it has now become a minefield of impossible community standards that seem to have come out of nowhere.

Do I need to go and review your policies every time I post now in case I get into trouble?

Or would it be better for me to find another community to post on?

When we consider it necessary, we can ask former users to appear in the photos of their publications, and as we told your friend, we would like to see them again, so that the new members can get to know you, in fact, it would be great, because if they already If you have been posting on Foodies Bee Hive for a while, you could set an example and inspire new users.

However, you can do whatever you want, Hive is very broad.


@foodiesunite Thank you for this response. It definitely sounds more human. It feels alienating to have received a message like your first one on this thread. Perhaps you can review how you engage with foodies, especially newbies, and people who have been loyally contributing for a long time. I really enjoy the @foodiesbeehive platform and the foodie community it has brought together. As moderators, I am sure you have a tough job, but for the rest of us, please just remember that we are just human beings, sharing a little of our lives and families. Please, once again, would you address my query regarding my children aged 12 - 16 years old? Can they appear in my posts going forward?

Hi @clairemobey

Your children, being minors, cannot appear in the photos of the posts you publish in this community.

my children @merenludick @aimeludick and @matthew-williams all have accounts here on ecency. does that mean if they bake they cannot post on your community? My children appear in almost every single one of my previous posts on the foodie's beehive community. Do I need to go and delete them all? I am really, truly, and deeply concerned about the sudden restrictions on your community.

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!