I don't know what it is about these tiny little chicken yumyums, but who doesn't like some awesome chicken wings? With the right sauce or dip, they're great for parties, as a snack or even a whole meal.
I got a bit creative last night and made my own hot and sweet/ sticky wings. I learned my lesson though. I think I could have used a smaller dish and a lot more sauce. I was worried about the kids though. The boys can handle hot stuff, but Aime, not so much. So I erred on the side of caution. as it turned out, they weren't that spicy, but they had a nice zing to them. I think next time, I'll try adding some apricot jam!
On the side, I made potato wedges and tried to balance out the meal with a mix of broccoli, cauliflower, and mushrooms, sautéed in a little garlic butter with herbs.
All in all, they were a hit with the whole family and were a great accompaniment to StarTrek, which we are currently binge-watching from scratch!!
Tonight is Aime's turn to cook as I head off to my physio appointment at 7 <3 Wish me luck!