Mis Tortas de Cumpleaños 🎂 // My Birthday Cakes🎂

in Foodies Bee Hive3 months ago

Hola Amigos de HIVE, feliz jueves para todos.

Hello Friends of HIVE, happy Thursday to all of you.

Hoy les quiero mostrar mis Tortas de cumpleaños.

Today I want to show you my birthday cakes.

Cumplí 32 años el pasado 23 de noviembre y fué un día de mucho comer. Normalmente hago ejercicios diarios corriendo por las tardes, pero en mi cumpleaños decidí comer lo que me gusta y en las cantidades que me encantan.

I turned 32 last November 23rd and it was a day of lots of eating. Normally I do daily running exercises in the afternoons, but on my birthday I decided to eat what I like and in the quantities that I love.


Al medio día me fui con mi familia a almorzar a un restaurante súper bueno dónde hacen el mejor pollo a Broaster de la zona y la verdad estaba mejor que antes.

At noon I went with my family to have lunch at a super good restaurant where they make the best Broaster chicken in the area and it was really better than before.

En la cena nos fuimos a comer hamburguesas de las cuáles no nos arrepentímos con lo escogído... Usted podrán darse cuenta de lo bueno que estaba!!

At dinner we went to eat hamburgers which we did not regret with what we chose .... You can see how good it was!

Ya por último comimos dulce de mis Tortas de cumpleaños, la cuáles fueron 2:

Finally we had my birthday cakes, which were 2:

La Torta Variada con biscocho de vainilla, rellena de dulce de leche y decorada con maní, chocolate blanco, chocolate oscuro y caramelo.

The Varied Cake with vanilla cake, filled with dulce de leche and decorated with peanuts, white chocolate, dark chocolate and caramel.


La tradicional y mi favorita Torta de Piña, con biscocho de vainilla, y cubierta de ruedas de piña bañadas en caramelo.

The traditional and my favorite Pineapple Cake, with vanilla cake, and covered with pineapple wheels dipped in caramel.

La pasé brutal y mi paladar me lo agradeció.

I had a great time and my palate thanked me for it.

Saludos y un abrazo para TODOS!

Greetings and hugs to ALL!

Happy birthday! Love the photos. The colors and the textures really pop, with that giant sandwich making me want to have one of my own. Wishing you good fortune and many blessings for the next 32 years of your life.


Thanks 🙌🏻🙏🏻🫶🏻

Happy Birthday @danielmaracas ! May you enjoy many good meals this year.


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Thanks 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Happy Birthday!
This food looks so 'rich'. I can only imagine it being a one-off. The burger looks like it would have been dramatic to eat.
It's great that you had a choice of cake though:)

Thanks You 🙌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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