Healthy carrot arepas 🧑🏻‍🍳🥕 / Arepas saludables de zanahoria 🧑🏻‍🍳🥕

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago

Hello hello beautiful community ❤️ I hope you have a nice night! For my part, today I share with you an easy, quick and somewhat healthy recipe to make for breakfast or dinner 🧑🏻‍🍳

Hola hola bonita comunidad ❤️ Espero tengan una bonita noche! Yo por mi parte hoy les comparto una receta facil, rápida y un tanto saludable para hacer de desayunar o cenar 🧑🏻‍🍳


This recipe helps me integrate vegetables into my meals and of course improve my diet! You can also add corn flakes and they are delicious.

-3 Eggs
-1 tomato
-Bread flour.
-Wheat flour

To start, grate half a previously washed carrot, and in a bowl I added the bread flour and just 3 tablespoons of wheat flour along with the half carrot. Then I proceeded to knead for about 8 minutes so that the dough is very soft 🧑🏻‍🍳 With the dough ready I made the balls to divide the amount of dough since I would only make 3 arepitas; I then carefully shaped them. For the next step, I heated the budare for about 5 minutes, added a little oil and cooked the arepas until they were golden brown on both sides.

With the arepas ready, I cut a tomato into squares and together with the 3 eggs in a bowl I mixed them and made a scrambled egg to accompany, since the tomato has its natural water I did not add oil and it was very delicious and healthy 🧑🏻 ‍🍳🥕 Lately I will be improving the way I eat since I am gaining a bit of weight. On the recommendation of the nutritionist to eliminate fried foods and add more vegetables and fruits to meals!

Está receta me ayuda a integrar verduras a mis comidas y por supuesto a mejorar mi alimentación! También se les puede agregar hojuelas de maíz y quedan riquísimas.


-3 Huevos
-1 tomate
-Harina pan.
-Harina de trigo


Para comenzar raye media zanahoria previamente lavada, y en un bol agregué la harina pan y solo 3 cucharadas de harina de trigo junto con la media zanahoria. Luego procedí a amazar unos 8 min para que la masa quede bien suavecita 🧑🏻‍🍳 ya con la masa lista hice las bolitas para dividir la cantidad de masa ya que solo haría 3 arepitas; seguido con mucho cuidado les di forma. Para el siguiente paso puse a calentar el budare unos 5 min, agregué un poco de aceite y puse a cocinar la arepas hasta quedar doraditas de lado y lado.

Ya con las arepas listas, corte en cuadritos un tomate y junto con los 3 huevos en un bol los mezcle e hice un huevo revuelto para acompañar, ya que el tomate tiene su agua natural no le agregué aceite y quedó muy rico y saludable 🧑🏻‍🍳🥕 últimamente estaré mejorando la forma de comer ya que estoy un tanto subida de peso. Por recomendación del nutricionista a eliminar frituras y agregar más verduras y frutas a las comidas!




Mi cuenta de instagram es Instagram Las fotografías son de mi autoria tomadas con mi celular Infinix HOT 30i y para la traducción del texto hice uso de Google Traductor.

My instagram account is Instagram The photographs are my own taken with my Infinix HOT 30i cell phone and for the translation of the text I used Google Translate.


Que rica y saludable se ve.
Voy a comenzar a preparar unas en family.. saludos 👍🏿

Deliciosa arepas es bueno saber cómo combinar los sabores.

Muchas gracias espero que te animes probarlas. Saludos @faraon71

Hi @daniery

Please read our community rules, especially number 4, which says:

Every user new to Hive, or new to Foodies Bee Hive, must include a minimum of three photos showing their face (of the total number of photos in each post), making their recipes.

So in your next posts, we hope you respect this rule.

We also recommend that you read this post carefully, it explains each of our community rules:

Hello, it's the first time that I didn't publish my photos! worse, thank you, I will read the rules again so as not to make mistakes 🩷 @foodiesunite