[ESP/ENG] Sancochando plátanos para completar el almuerzo. / Boiling plantains to complete lunch.

in Foodies Bee Hive7 months ago

Hoy comparto con ustedes mediante estas fotos el momento en que sacoche plátanos para completar el almuerzo .

Today I share with you through these photos the moment when I took out bananas to complete lunch.

###Estas fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular redmi10c

These photos were taken with my redmi10c cell phone.


Here in the Philippines, we dip that in sugar.... it's so yummy

Los plátanos son muy saludables por el potasio que nos ofrece, además se puede acompañar con cualquier comida.

Hi @edgargonzalez

In this community we expect our users to present recipes that are not as simple as this one. If you look at the rest of the foodies who post here, you will see that they all make an effort to post recipes, not just boil a banana.

We suggest that you look for inspiration in written recipe books and specialized pages, such as those you can find on YouTube, Instagram, etc. On the web you can find many good recipes, affordable and practical to make, that can serve as a guide and model for your future gastronomic posts.

We also recommend reading these two posts:
